University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

For those who asked about Computer Science major and why it’s not stated in the decision letter – When you’re admitted, you’re admitted first into College of Letter and Science. Only after you’ve satisfied certain requirements, then you can declare Computer Science as your major. In my opinion, those requirements are pretty easy to meet:

  • Completion of a specific computer science class and a specific math class (calculus and analytic geometry)
  • Grade BC or higher in introductory programming courses

Here’s the link for more detail -

Accepted to Mechanical Engineering
International- India
1530 SAT, 800 Math 730 English
CBSE Leaving Exams 12th grade: 95+/100 (predicted)
11th: 94/100
10th: 94/100
9th: 93/100

International (South Korean)
Weighted: 4.15
unweighted: 3.92
Class ranking: 2 out of 25 (lol small)
ACT: 34
none business-related EC
lots of school community involvement,
community service,
Soccer captain and best awarded as a player in the states one time
Music was also a big part
Good Essays
Decent Recs

ACCEPTED to School of Education!
Mainland China
SAT 1410 (640R+770M) (sent december score 1450 but dk if considered)
Toefl 107
(SATII Math 790 Physics 760 did not send)
AP 5s: Calculus BC, Microeconomics, Physics C Mechanics 4:Macroeconomics
Class rank: top 1
–Caligraphy since 9th grade
–lots of music like the post above
–went to Harvard 7-week Summer School
Strong recs and essays I guess or else I don’t think I could get in LOL

ACCEPTED! (College of Letters & Science)
SAT 1430 (630R + 800 M)
SAT II Math 2: 800
Cal BC (5)
Microecon (5)
AP Bio (4)
GPA: 3.52
Strong recs
Research Experience
Decent Essay
International (Hong Kong)

Hope this helps!

Congratulations new potential Badgers!

So I graduated from the U of Mn (CSE) and my kid is a badger. I actually live VERY close to U of MN campus. That is all win-win. I think U of MN is generally underrated. A couple schools bring the stats down a little. Especially for CLA, CBS, CSE, I think you can get a great education and have a great experience. U of MN definitely more urban, though I love Madison as a small up and coming metro and have had a great time visiting the area.

@CollegeTime456 My acceptance letter did not state explicitly my major.

I sincerely apologize @aewlmom! When I wrote my comment earlier, I mistook the Chemistry Department email to another college. Oops! So there was never any email from the Chemistry Department at Wisconsin, my mistake! It’s amazing what silly things fatigue can make you do.

My D accepted to college of letter and science, no mention of major. I totally agree that you need to complete some coureses and reach some requirements and then can declare major. but that is good, give more opportunities.

BTW, new freshmen need to take placement test prior to enterance, I guess the results may help school to put you in the right place.

Hi! What is the difference between the admission to Pre-business and the direct admission to Business school? Has anyone received the latter?

I wonder if anybody received “direct admit to business” acceptance letter, either.

The School of Education is not a direct admit as you need to satisfy requirements at UW for that. There are a few programs, such as engineering and business, that currently offer direct admission to their school/college.

All students are admitted to the university as a whole, changing your major does not rescind your acceptance to UW. It is only very recently that UW has had major specific info for admissions. I believe this is an overall trend to have students be focused with goals and not at loose ends when starting college. It is fine to redefine goals after you discover more once in college. Things are not etched in stone- keep this in mind. As a student (at any school) you learn a lot more about college.

A few majors are restricted in numbers because of limitations in facilities. UW wants students to be able to get the needed classes in their majors. Education, for example, needs spaces for students to get their student teaching done and other teaching specific classes. All majors have prerequisites as stated above- things like grades and courses taken. It is easy to change majors once at UW (although not necessarily getting into space limited ones).

Students- do not worry about your acceptance not stating an L&S specific major. The Business School has recently offered direct admits. Others may know the chances of being competitive for later admission since the percentages have been changing each year it seems.

L&S is the largest division of UW- it is the default college for all of those not in other specific schools/colleges. Students- presume you will do well in the courses required for your desired major. You presumably have the ability and interest to do so.

@mesosere There is a very big difference between getting admitted pre-business and being directly admitted into the business school. Pre-business majors need to apply to get into the business school after taking a certain number of classes. There’s a very high minimum GPA requirement and admission is highly competitive and highly selective. You’re also competing with transfer students for limited seats. Many students who attend Wisconsin pre-business have to select an alternative major like Economics. If your heart is set on business then going in pre-business is very risky.

My son was admitted directly to the business school.

4.14 weighted GPA
1490 SAT
2 varsity sports
Lots of volunteering

Also, didn’t mention that we are out of state.

Has anyone from NY received their admissions packet in the mail?

Hello everyone, just gonna have a heart to heart here. I was deferred by Wisconsin in December. I am not sad, however, this is my top school. If you were accepted and you know for a fact you are not going, please decline your spot. Think about your top school, and how badly you hope somebody gives their spot to you.

Yes. My son’s decision letter explicitly stated: “admitted to CS”.

“On behalf of the Committee on Admissions, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the College of
Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.”

This is what my admission letter states, at least.

Agree - If you know for sure, please accept/decline early in cycle so spots can open up.

@eagle816 - Good Luck. Make sure to follow up with 1st semester grades, continue interest letter,…

same situation. international applicant, no information yet…