University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

For international applicant, delayed for almost 1 month already, but still no information. Shows no empathy, no care … Disappointing

@LyricalLeader. All engineering majors EXCEPT COMPUTER SCIENCE are admitted to College of Engineering as direct admit if you indicate your engineering major as your first choice.

COMPUTER SCIENCE belongs to College of Letter and Science (L&S). You’re admitted first to L&S then you can declare your CS major if you meet certain requirements as listed in my post #980.

Congratulations on your admission.

Yes, I am also happy that I could avoid UW-Madison as it turned out that I do not fit very well with the university itself. Congratulations to those who got an acceptance from UW-Madison (and is committing to it)! I declined their offer so someone else who really wants to go could get a spot :slight_smile:

I totally agree that it is good for both UW-Madison and me. Well, do you think someone who delays its own deadline and not gives out the exact extended decision date is responsible? I wouldn’t mention it anymore, but please just think about it :slight_smile: I have never seen any!

Accepted college of letter and science, Intended Major CS


My DS was direct admit to school of business on 12/20. We are OOS

What were your stats that got you in?

DD direct admit to engineering
UW 3.95, weighted 4.1/4.33
Sat math 760, English 660
8 APs but I don’t think submitted scores in application (mostly 4s)
Varsity swimmer but not planning to swim at Uni
Essays showed in depth analysis of engineering program
US citizen but international applicant (UK)
No merit

My son got his acceptance by email mid december. Just got the packet in the mail a few days ago. MN.

“No empathy…” Since when is an institution supposed to be interacting with the thousands of applicants in a personal way like that? Of course many applicants do not get into every school and that is a nonemotional situation for the schools.

Congrats to next fall’s new freshmen. A wonderful place to be no matter which decade you get the experience. To others- you will find a wonderful experience at your college as well.

I got in EA a month back and I still haven’t received my acceptance in the mail. Is scholarship info in that? Also I just like having the physical letters lol, have other accepted ppl not gotten the letter? Bc if not ill email and ask for them to resend.

We are in NY and still haven’t received anything in the mail.

Illinois and received mailed packet late last week (postmarked 1/14)

DD who was accepted 12/20 just received her welcome packet in the mail.

DS was accepted on 12/20, and we just received the admissions packet in NJ two days ago.

Hi there – thanks for the replies from several of you – my son got his packet in the mail earlier this week (in MN). Thanks!

IB 42/45, ACT 35.

Does anyone know when the deferred kids find out when and if they are accepted to Wisconsin?

@jhmoney They fall into the RD cycle, so they’ll hear by the end of March.

Approximately half of our BBA students enter the Wisconsin School of Business through the pre-business process, applying in the spring of their first year for admission into the program beginning the following fall semester.

The other half gets in through direct admission as freshmen.

I strongly believe that you have taken 3 out of the 4 pre-required classes as AP in high school, you have a much higher chances to be a direct admit.

Before applying, you must take a few pre-required courses (English, Calculus, Econ, and Psychology), have a college GPA of 2.75 or higher, and have a minimum of 24 credits and no more than 86 credits (includes in-progress, retro, transfer, and pre-enrollment coursework). As the school is moving to more freshmen direct admit, it becomes more competitive to get into the business school as a pre-business. In practice, it would take a much higher GPA of 2.75 to get in.

As part of the application, you would also need to submit your resume and one or two essays.

The 2017 DA class was 275, the 2018 DA class has over 550. Their goal is to move to 100% DA in the next few years.

The biggest benefit is that the admits get to register for the B-school courses before everyone else.

The problem is that if you don’t get into the business school, you would need to pick a major. Economics is the closest degree and it is in the College of L&S. You can have a “certificate” from the business school. Today, there are two certificate in business for non-business majors: Certificate in Business and Certificate in Entrepreneurship.

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when do regular decisions come out