University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

Hi everyone -

Today I checked MyUW under My Academics, and saw my Transfer Credit Evaluation. I clicked on it, and it had my courses listed as well as the number of “Total Degree Credits Transferred”

From the language used farther down it spoke of submitting documents before my SOAR date… Is this basically unofficial admit?

Sounds like it! Let us know when you get the official word.

Wow thats nice… I dnot have any credit evaluations… anyone can see it?

It just appeared for me today next to “Total Degree Credits Transferred”

It wasn’t there most of the day until the last hour or so.

Congrats! haha I think you got in!!

I don’t have that… :frowning:

@plaseletmein888 I agree! And I don’t think there is a set chance of whether or not a postponed student can get accepted or denied. But I was looking through last years Fall transfer thread and it seemed promising. Many of the postponed students that commented on there got accepted. And from those posts and the counselors I’ve talked to I think it’s just really important to keep your grades up this last semester.

Well, I received a update to my financial aid, one for 2015-2016. I hope that’s a good sign.

@CaptainMcNeil that does seem like a good sign! I wish I had some indication like you

I don’t know if this is an indication but I was able to access the UW Scholarships page that said “Welcome (My Name)!” and a disclaimer that said “Students should now be able to accept scholarship awards from the ‘My Scholarships’ Dashboard.” It also listed College of Letters and Sciences under my name…

sad sad… I feel like I will get a rejection tmr…

@Hopeful1983 yeah, let’s keep our grades this term perfect. GoGoGo

@transfergirl1995 I applied on the extension too but I already heard back (once again posptoned).February 4, I sent in my application I believe, somebody who sent me PM’s from this message board asking if i heard back anything yet also applied on the extension and also got their decision same day as I, so I don’t think its that.

So maybe it’s all random? @jonjacobjinkle

@transfergirl1995 Did you apply for scholarships? (The deadline was in early February for L&S scholarships).

No I didn’t apply for scholarships @Madison85, I was just desperately looking for any indication of my admission decision lol.

Counting down the hours. I want it to be 7:30 already.

I wonder if that’s even real though that they release decisions on Fridays at 7/8? @CaptainMcNeil

According to last year and I think this years freshman applicants, I believe so.

@transfergirl1995 @CaptainMcNeil as well as this years first wave of transfer decisions. They were released around 7.