***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

I don’t understand why it takes this long. There are a lot schools with more applicants than Wisconsin that let you know in December.

@FirstToRise - I was wondering the same thing - which ones? UW is a state school but not the largest in terms of applications. I know that UMN is larger there but has rolling decisions.

Edit to add: my own theory is that they may be trying to give those admitted ED elsewhere time to drop their application, thus allowing more admissions who would otherwise be deferred. Just a guess, however.

@JBStillFlying You might be right, but do they really need a whole month? Michigan for example I know. Illinois gets a lot and they released them mid December. I think there are a few others I’m forgetting

Indiana and purdue, but they are both rolling

UW switched from “first and second notification” (or something along those lines) to “Early Action” - the latter having a very specific meaning pursuant to guidelines defined by the National Association of College Admissions Counseling (who no doubt hold the ruler ready to slap down any college that gets out of line LOL). At least that’s the understanding I’m getting from watching several of my kids’ schools of interest change their admission plans this year! Anyway, I don’t think under Early Action you can actually release the decisions over a period of time - they might all have to be released on the same day. That might be the holdup. UW wants to be 100% ready with a good list of admits. Keep in mind that for the OOS’ers, Jan. 31 seems to be the new normal. The ones who are pretty impatient are the state residents who were used to getting their decisions in Dec.

Still it’s just frustrating that all these other schools have made decisions and we have to wait a month and a half longer

Yes, it can be difficult to wait but no one “has” to focus on it. Engage yourself in other activities, get together with your friends, live a little outside the college application bubble for a few weeks, and time will pass more quickly.

Has ANYONE gotten any response yet?

@ddt1998 One kid at my school has gotten in so far. I’m not sure how, but maybe they have a system like Texas does where if you apply really early and are a shoe in they spare you the wait.

Our counselors who are supposedly in contact with admission directors said Madison students are hearing back next week.

They keep stressing “by” the end of January which leads me to think that hopefully it’ll be sooner

its pretty BS of them to give out admissions decisions the last week before their deadline considering I had mine in by september 16 and its been the most stressful 4 months of waiting

It says that transfer students for spring of 2017 would find out by the end of December and they had an admitted students day on December 17, so they found out well before the deadline

Whenever anyone finds out, please post back here with your decision and stats. It’s quite annoying that they probably already have 90% of decisions made but are just sitting on them for some arbitrary release date.

@ddt1998 It’s awesome that you got your application early, but turning your app in early does nothing for you (like many other schools). That was your choice when submitting the application early. Props to you for getting it done, but as long as you get it done before the deadline, everyone is in the same boat. Don’t think it’s fair to blame them when you chose to submit well before the deadline.

This is so funny to watch people being mad that they have to wait! I have two schools that I won’t know until March perhaps April and my application went in October. So it’s all a matter of perspective. We have lots of fun things to do this year…it’s our last year of HS so enjoy it! >:/

I’m actually kinda glad my 1st semester grades won’t be out until end of January and I’m sending them in that day cause I’m killing it this semester! 4 AP’s, 3 Honors classes…currently all A’s and midterms end tomorrow!! :-" :smiley:

If it’s the end of January, I can wait. (I think) I mean, it’d be nice to get it before hand, but I think I’m done trying to guess when they’re releasing their decisions lol. I’m just gonna go with the flow and not check College Confidential for a week or so. This is too unhealthy for me :frowning:

Very confused about this “send in your mid-year grades” thing. D17’s portal doesn’t have a way to do that at this point (at least through last night when checked last). Is that something that appears for everyone or just for those who are deferred?

Did UW email you requesting first semester grades or was it a part of your portal? I have not received any emails requesting my first semester grades but haven’t checked my portal