***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

We haven’t received an e-mail and the part of the portal she would use is not there. My big question is “are they going to ask” before sending out EA decisions because won’t that delay things? Or is it something that you send in if you are deferred only? For EA it’s usually the latter but of course the majority of those decisions are prior to Mid-year. This is a bit different.

@sconsinfan I got accepted on the 22nd of November, I turned in my application about an hour before it was due on Nov 1st.

Wait so are we supposed to find out starting next week?

I think it will be 1/31 with decisions being released throughout the day…

Are you sure because I have heard from my cousins they found out around mid January in past years.

@j81998 no one knows for sure. However, last year some MN students found out mid-Jan. or so but the rest of OOS found out Jan. 31. (In-state found out in Dec.). This year they have specifically said they don’t roll out decisions anymore and that everyone will find out by Jan. 31. Whether that’s ON Jan. 31 remains to be seen. I, too, am expecting that date, just because my daughter is OOS (but MN) and that’s pretty much the final day they can release decisions.

I was accepted into the dance program back in November. Now just waiting to get official word from Admissions.

From a post 4 days ago on Reddit:

Admissions Representative here to repeat some answers and to clarify some things (well, ex-representative since I won’t be going back to the office next week since I took up more hours at my other job).

UW-Madison no longer do rolling admissions due to the new CommonApp system, so all decisions will be released at once instead of in waves (so if anyone said they heard back in Oct/Nov last year, they lied). It was the case in previous years but not this time.

For the last incoming freshman class, there were over 30,000 applications. We anticipate an increase in the applications, considering how we’re using both CommonApp and the UW App. And yes, we have been getting new counselors in to replace old ones who have left, and they are working as hard as they could to get through them.

For those worried about a counselor having to read thousands of applications from one state / county / etc, don’t fret. All counselors share the responsibilities in looking over the apps, and apps are reviewed by multiple counselors, not one. So even if you badger your school counselor to contact the admissions rep for your school / state, it’s not going to be much of a difference and you’re not going to know your decisions any sooner.

I know the wait is painful and agonising, especially if you’ve heard back from other places but are still waiting to make a decision (I’m in the same position now with my grad school apps, so I understand the long 2-months wait), but trust me, just hold on and it’ll all be worth it, no matter what the results are. You will be just fine.

Stop checking your Student Center every few hours like I did before, & wait for the email to come in. Your Student Center won’t be updated with your results until you officially receive the notification in your email inbox, so safe yourself some time and make sure your email address is correct in order to receive the notification.

No matter what the results is, remember that you are a brilliant student, and that you are special in your own way. While you may get a 4.0 and a high ACT score and are accepted at all the other schools you’ve applied to, that may not guarantee an acceptance at UW-Madison due to a variety of reasons: fit with school and program, statements, letters of recommendation, limited spots in the incoming class. Don’t fret too much and know that wherever you end up going, it is for your own good.

For those Early Action people, good luck for the “end of January”, whenever it may be!

Does anyone know why it is taking them so long?

This Reddit comment strongly implies that admissions is swamped this year. They can’t release any decisions till they have reviewed every single EA application, and they clearly haven’t done that yet.

Whether they are swamped because of a shortage of counselors (due to some leaving) or due to a higher-than-expected number of applications, is not clear as both are mentioned and it’s likely a combination of the two anyway. I am a bit skeptical about “over 30,000” number. Total applications? Sure, as their internal numbers show about 32,000 in the past two years. However, their numbers as reported to College Navigator tend to be about 4,000 less (for fall 2015, anyway). If the discrepancy represents some number of applications that, for whatever reason (not submitting transcripts, or rec. letters, or mid-term grades), are NOT complete, then they needn’t be spending a second of additional time with those. That would leave about 28,000 + applications to seriously work through. That’s not an extraordinary number for a state school (even a flagship as reputable as UW).

I really don’t think it’s a swamped issue do you really? I think they said end of January and it’s end of January. The fact that they switched to CA might have something to do with it but I think it’s admirable when a school has a plan and sticks to it? No? :-?

Post 347 makes me really nerovus omg.

Honestly I feel like we will find out sometime this week. It’s beginning to be the “end of January”, so I am hoping we can start to hear back soon.

I was thinking the same thing. I don’t know how they would take much longer. I would assume as soon as they are through all applications they will release decisions

Let’s all keep the positive vibe going! Wouldn’t that be great…now we just need Green Bay to win! We find out this week and life is good! :D/

@Seacoast You got one wish! Now, nearly everyone on this forum is wishing for your second wish to come true.

@Seacoast did you apply directly to Engineering?

@lsmith9012 As post #347 says, they are no longer doing rolling admissions. Previous posts here have said they will likely release all decisions on January 31. Hang in there, only 15 more days!

My DD applied on Nov 1 and submitted an art portfolio on Nov 10. On Nov 11, she received an email from the art department saying: “On the basis of your high-level portfolio, the Art Department has submitted a strong recommendation on your behalf to the Office of Admissions. While Admissions makes all final decisions, we are hoping they agree you’d be a great addition to our program.”

yep Engineering for me! January 2017 that is awesome…good luck.
Can you believe that game yesterday!
Such an awesome push by the Packers!
Let’s go Pack!
Now…On Wisconsin…let us all get good news soon!

With this long of a wait to only here an ‘early’ action decision, I would really hate to be deferred in a few weeks and have to wait another 2 months for a final decision… Hopefully the deferral rate is low this year.