***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

I was hoping that when they said “end of January” they were playing it safe… guess thats actually when we will be hearing back!

I’m not really sure why they say they can’t do rolling admissions with the Common App. My son applied via CA to Ohio State and was admitted back in November. Since then OSU did one more admissions wave and has another one coming out this week.

@drjdillon does OSU call it “Early Action”? UMN is now on CA and they release in waves as well but they call their deadlines Priority and Regular. Perhaps once you say you are doing “Early Action” you agree to follow particular stated guidelines on what that means in order to utilize the Common Ap in your admissions process. This is just a guess on my part, of course. However, I’ve noticed that there is something called the National Association of College Counselors (or something like that) that defines all this stuff. They are the ones that have set the guidelines for ED and so forth (binding) vs. EA (non binding). The definition of EA doesn’t include that everything has to be released on the same day; however, following the definition is much easier if you choose to do that. Perhaps with anything called “Early” it’s just better to follow strict release procedures.

Edit: National Association of College Admission Counseling. NACAC.

Does anyone know if scholarships will be announced with admissions or will that be announced at a later time?

What scholarships did you apply for @DemonNinja ?

Oh sorry I didn’t mean scholarships we apply for, moreso the ones that the school gives solely based on the application. Or does Madison not do that?

UW-Madison doesn’t do that, to my knowledge.

Ok makes sense. Thank you.

Only fourteen painful days left

I didn’t read this all the way through but UW-Madison is starting to offer more straight-up merit aid than it used to.


That’s good news about finally coming around on merit aid.

So we think it could be coming out the 30th or 31st?

It’ll be either one of the next two Friday’s or the 31st I’m assuming.

Yes usually they release on Friday’s so I’m hoping its that way again this year, but with everything that happened this year who knows what they’ll do :confused:

I’m sick of all this waiting!! I sure am glad that we will find out soon!

last year they told OOS on the 31, which was a sunday, so I really think it can be any day… I am just preparing for it to be the 31 again, so anything else is a surprise.

@JBStillFlying OSU calls their early period Early Action. According to UW’s website that is the same thing they call theirs. Interesting.

Tried logging into my portal and it takes me to the initial screen, but will not allow me to access my student center. Is this happening to anyone else?

@drjdillon - well, another brilliant theory shot to H-E-double hockey sticks. :frowning:

@meghayes - same here. Most likely due to maintenance or a systems problem. But you never know [-O<

happened to me, but it’s working now. Must have just been maintenance or overloaded site.