***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

has anyone oos heard?

not yet

Nope, I’m hoping OOS hears tonight at 7 Central

Last year MN heard a couple days before the rest of OOS; however, all the releases seemed to be at 7 central.

Did anyone who was notified of an admission decision last night notice whether the Student Center message changed to say that the application was currently being reviewed earlier in the day?

@madison85 no they have been reviewing for the past 4 months. It doesn’t change until a decision is made

Can’t wait to hear back!!! Hopefully OOS hears back tonight or tomorrow night! Would be a great (or awful lol) way to start the week!

Act: 30
Gpa: 3.8
7 ap throughout high school
Captain of varsity soccer, varsity soccer for three years, camp counselor in the summer and extensive volunteering
Great letter of recommendation and really good essays! In state, Wisconsin takes he too 10% of your high school class they are not easy on IS applicants please keep in mind!! Good luck to all OOS

@pleigh can’t see why they defered you…your stats are great!

@pleigh Sorry about being deferred. Your number of APs taken (class rigor) is commendable. Do you mind sharing your unweighted GPA?

@banker1 that is unweighted! I just go to a very competitive school! Hopefully I will get admitted later! I guess everything happens for a reason

Are you not in the top 10-15%?


I’m confused. There have definitely been some weaker stats posted in the past 18 hours by accepted in-staters. Do they cap the number of admits by high school?


No most people st my school take lots of easy classes to get a 4.0 for UW along with lots of parents making sure they get As

Like I said if it’s not meant to be that’s okay it’s possible they didn’t like my essays or something on my apps! Hopefully it all works out :slight_smile:

@pleigh Sorry to here that. You deserved to get in EA. Some of the people who got in already really shouldn’t have if you didn’t get in. You’re almost guaranteed an acceptance during the regular pool, though. Good luck!

@sml1234 thank you!

@pleigh Your deferral is a head scratcher. I imagine the admissions team examines the entirety of the applicant’s credentials but what you’ve shown so far surely appear worthy of acceptance. Good luck to you RD.

@Banker1 yeah, a tad frustrating but there are other schools! And thank you! :slight_smile:

Any word about oos? Besides the twitter updates…