University of Wisconsin Madison

If admitted to Business you spend most of your first year in L&S but you might get a bus. course or two as well as doing your pre reqs. If not admitted to business, it’s possible to be admitted to L&S. A lot depends on what majors were specified on the application. But yes, you could be admitted to letters & science as a 2nd choice course of study.

This has absolutely shaken up my confidence. I have a 3.9 uw gpa and a 32, and before I thought I could probably get in. Now, I’m thinking it will be an uphill battle. Thanks, Minnesota.

@zephyr36 - those are still decent stats. Don’t lose hope!

do these stats have a decent chance:
ACT 26
94.48/4.0 GPA
6 AP classes and two college credit courses
Honor roll in all four years of HS
Captian of vball team
president of the anti bias team
( a lot more extra circulars)
great essays

@zephyr36 a 32 and 3.9 got admitted on our high school’s Naviance scattergram so don’t get down. Yes, this MN thing just makes it all the harder.

So nervous for my OOS dtr. 3.85 UW, 4.25 W, 29 ACT. Great academic rigor, and EC in sports, leadership positions, clubs, philanthropies. While not at the top of the stats, she seems a good fit. So nervous waiting!!!

@Gradmom1 your daughter’s uw GPA is right where it needs to be. They don’t view test scores with the same weight as they do GPA per the CDS. Fingers crossed for her!

Wow according to this thread we are definitely not getting in with a 3.4 UW GPA (3.75 W GPA) and 1480 SAT, from CA. I’ve been hoping we would get in but this thread is definitely a reality check which is probably a good thing.

^ The 1480 should be fine. The 3.4 uw might make an acceptance a lower probability but that means at least a deferral. A lot depends on what they see in the app. including course rigor. Not all uw 3.4’s are the same.

Hopefully soon.