University Scholars

If your son has figured out what he doesn’t like and is on schedule to enter the upper division B School after one year I would not consider him at all behind :slight_smile: now to figure out where to go from this point…if he wants to major in Marketing he should be in good shape as he “switched” majors within the same school. He may want to consider the marketing/management double major (which I’m pretty sure is already mapped out as an approved double major with available checklists in B advising) or consider one of the marketing speciliazations or even a minor in PR or Advertising under the A & S school.</p>

<p>[Department</a> of Management and Marketing < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Department”></p>

<p>[Department</a> of Advertising and Public Relations < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Department”></p>

<p>I would suggest he call or go down to Bidgood at set up an appointment with Dr David Heggem who is over all departments and is the boss of all the advisors…he knows all the programs :)</p>

<p>Looks like the department head for Marketing/Management is Diane Johnson…</p>

<p>SECfam, he would be able to choose his own advisor if he switches to a major in CBA other than MIS and OM. There is also no requirement to keep the same advisor; many students just see whomever’s available the soonest, though I recommend developing a professional relationship with ones advisor. Advising is done in 10 Bidgood, though some professors will also formally advise students.</p>

<p>One doesn’t have to get a master’s degree in the same subject as their undergraduate major.</p>

<p>While you might feel like the Lone Ranger now, I can assure you that your help and support of your son is helping him a lot in what has been a very trying time in his life.</p>

<p>Is it possible to do University Scholars with the Master’s in Public Administration program? Does anyone have any experience of this?</p>

<p>Thank you all! I keep telling him that he will grow a lot through this experience. Your encouragement is SO appreciated.</p>

<p>SEA_tide, I didn’t know that bus. students (other than OM and MIS) could select their own advisors. Although, since he’s only been at UA for 2 semesters and has limited knowledge of these folks, he’s not in a position right now to choose. (Any recommendations?)We did consult with Dave Heggem on a couple of occasions when S was looking at UA, but S hasn’t seen him since. Maybe it’s time for reacquainting! Or maybe Diane Johnson. Sadly, none of his older friends is a MKT major, so no insider knowledge from the buds. I would love for him to talk to someone before he leaves for the summer.</p>

<p>AlbionGirl, programs not listed as approved for the University Scholars program will not admit University Scholars students. Contact the individual department to see if they have any plans to join the program as some master’s programs have been added in recent years.</p>

<p>SECfam, I’ll send you a private message.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice SEA_tide, I’ll contact the Poly Sci Department and see what they have to say.</p>

<p>D is interested in doing the US program. She intends to major in Biology and leaning towards something business related. Looking over the list posted it sounds like Economics or Health Studies. She has not met with an advisor. After reading this thread yesterday I have told her she needs to contact one ASAP and get a plan laid out before Bama Bound.<br>
Any recommendations for an advisor for a Bio major? </p>

<p>MUCH APPRECIATED as always all of the wonderful info that is on here.</p>

<p>For anyone else who may be interested in going this route, I just had a very nice reply from the Department of Political Science to let me know that it is possible to complete a Masters in Public Administration under the University Scholars Program.</p>

<p>A woman in the office of undergraduate scholarships just told me that the presidential scholarship won’t cover graduate classes taken through university scholars. I am not sure she knew what she was talking about however, so does anyone have a reliable source as to what the presidential scholarship will cover?</p>

<p>It’s my understanding that the Presidential Scholarship will cover 8 semesters, and as long as you have not received your undergraduate degree, you can take the graduate courses through University Scholars and have them covered. I am certain that SEA_Tide, who just received both his undergraduate and graduate degree (through University Scholars) this month had it all covered with his Presidential scholarship.</p>

<p>Roll Tide SEA_Tide!!!</p>

<p>UA’s merit scholarships definitely cover graduate courses taken through the University Scholars program. They will also cover graduate courses in departments outside of ones chosen University Scholars program.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>If requesting admittance into the program, whom does one need to contact? I’m supposing someone within the particular department of interest?</p>

<p>AJ, I would suggest contacting the department head and asking how to apply for University Scholars. Different departments have different application processes.</p>

<p>I am not sure of which route to recommend to my daughter. She was invited to all three. She is a ChemE major in the Honors College. I believe she can do the Emerging Scholars and MBA stem. I think the UA scholars would be too taxing. Any suggestions? Also - she wants to participate in a sorority. Concerned that this is way too much. Feedback requested. Thanks.</p>

<p>Pledging and doing ES may be too much. the MBA STEM wouldn’t kick in the first year, would it? If not, then I would go that route.</p>

<p>Pledge first semester. You can start ES the second semester of frosh. year. Note that ES is selective and while invited to apply, not all students get selected.</p>

<p>Also, is she interested in business or would she be better off going the University Scholars route and getting her MS in Engineering?</p>

<p>Thanks Class2012mom - she is better off getting her MS in engineering I think. Rather than an MBA. I think ES second semester is better because of the adjustment to college life overall.
Thanks to you both for the feedback - class2012mom and mom2college kids.</p>

<p>My D did ES this year. First semester was just 1 hour a week of lecture with a little reading. Second semester was more time consuming because she was doing research and working on her project. For your D, I would look to see if 2nd or 3rd semester would be better for the research portion of ES.</p>

<p>Thank you Yankee Belle good advice.</p>