University Scholarship?

<p>Hey, I'm curious about my standing on whether I'm likely to get the University Scholarship. I'm currently attending a bit of an odd school, where I'm based on a college campus for my junior and senior years and earn an associates degree by the time I graduate high school. I attended a regular high school for my first two years. Here's basically what I have so far for my application:
4.9 weighted GPA
4.3 Academic Core
3.9 Unweighted
Part of JROTC for two years, was the head logistics officer for one of those years
1420/2130 on my SAT (No ACT scores)
I'm part of the Pre-med club at my college
PTK (Phi Theta Kappa based on the campus)</p>

<p>Now, I think I may earn a couple B's this semester (two or three at most really, but it may end up being 1), so my GPA should go down a little all around, but I'm curious as to what you guys think my chances are of getting the University scholarship assuming my GPA doesn't fall below a 3.85 and my weighted GPA still goes up and my academic core goes up a little (since the classes I might get a B in still count as being worth more than regular honors courses).</p>