University with NO foreign language

<p>is there any universities in the US that do not require a foreign language at all besides a community college?</p>

<p>I’m sure there are, but I can’t think of any.</p>

<p>There are many colleges that don’t have any distribution requirements (like Amherst)</p>

<p>Do you mean colleges where you didnt have to take a language in HS, or colleges that dont require you to take one once you get there. There are many of the latter, particularly outside of liberal arts (think engineering, business) as long as you had requisite years in HS></p>

<p>If you want to see the former, scroll down to the learning differences/ADHD forum on the main page. Someone posted all the schools by state.</p>

<p>I want to be a registered nurse, I want to go to college. I am just wondering if there are any universities that you don’t have to take a foreign applacation to apply to the school and you can get accepted with no language. THANKS!</p>

<p>Do a search on CC. This topic has been discussed several times before, and lists of schools have been provided. I’d do it for you but unfortunately my time is limited. I am sure you can find the threads.</p>