<p>Here is my plan.
First day:
Morning: travel and check in
3 pm: Meet with Coach A </p>
<p>Second day:
morning: no schedule (slot 1)
12: 30: Meet with Coach C
5-6pm: no schedule (slot 2)</p>
<p>Third day:
Morning: Possibly meet with Coach C (slot 3)
4pm: Meet with Coach D</p>
<p>Q1) I wonder, I should keep this schedule as it is or contact and add another coach(let’s say Coach B) on the second day(slot 1, slot 2 or slot 3) to be exposed more. </p>
<p>Is it good Idea to arrange another meeting with Coach B assuming all those meeting will last 2-3 hours?
All other coaches are from my kid’s reach school but Coach B’s school is relatively safe school. Should I include this coach B in this trip as back up? Or try reach school first?)</p>
<p>There are still two other coaches want to meet my kid in that area but I’m afraid adding more coaches might make our schedule really hectic. maybe plan to visit there another time…?</p>
<p>Q2) Usually how many round of trips to you do for those unofficial college visit?</p>
<p>All those schools are widely spread out and I don’t think we can visit all schools that showed interest to my kid.(Especially Cornell and Dartmouth and small LAC. Those schools are too far…)
In that case, what do you say to coaches who said to come and visit?</p>
<p>Overall… We decided that our main purpose of this trip is to meet with coaches not tour that school. We will definitely feel the impression of those schools but since students are on the summer vacation already, we can’t get the exact feeling when those students are in the campus, right?</p>
<p>And I think info session is not that important to us because all those informations are kind of reduntant with the one already in the website. :P</p>
<p>If my kid is really interested in that school, I think we need to re-visit when school is on the session…? If I’m wrong please correct me.</p>
<p>Q3) I’m kind of new into this forum (and I’m really glad that I can find here. So informative!!^^) but some of your abbreviations are difficult to figure out what those are.</p>
<p>I figured out:
RD: regular decision
ED: early decision
EA: early action
LAC: Liberal art college</p>
<p>What is Al, EDII, DS…?
Can anybody let me know other abbreviation that commonly used in this forum?
Thanks! ^^</p>