<p>Hello, I recently finished transferring to a university from a community college only to find out that I have an unusual enrollment history(2) flag with the fincial aid department. I know why this is, in past 3 years I have gone to 3 different schools, first falling for the TV for profit school scam and transferring after a semester to a community college. Then, due to a family member having medical issues, I chose to move closer to them, tansfering to the community college there for a year until transferring to this university.</p>
<p>I will have to send the transcripts to the finacial aid department but there is one issue, between sending the transcript for my last school to admissions and unenrolling something with my school insurance messed up and I now owe money which I am paying off. Because of this I can't get my transcript from them to send to the finacial aid department. So I kind of screwed my self. I am about 1/3 through paying it off but I will not be finished before I need to have all my tuition accounted for.</p>
<p>The only solution I can think of is getting more in private loans to cover this semester, since I should have the other school payed off by the start of next semester and can get rid of that aid hold. Will I be able to do this? Is there any other solutions this late in the game?</p>