Updates to UC application

My kid applied to 5 UCs and has just won a significant music competition. We are trying to figure out if it is helpful to update an AO in the hopes that this will improve her chances of acceptance. Her high school counselor says that’s just not something that’s done and it might backfire. Any advice?

At this point they’ve already started reviewing apps, so what an AO office would probably tell you is no. You can call one of the AO offices and ask just in case.

Agree. My experience is that the UCs won’t consider updates after submission. However, if your student is waitlisted. Some schools could ask for updates. S last year was waitlisted at Davis and was given opportunity to submit a short essay. He was also waitlisted at San Diego no updates were requested.

You can add the update if after a rejection, you are appealing to the UC.

You can log in to your application to review and, if necessary, change your telephone number, e-mail, mailing address or SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or International Exam Scores. You can also apply to additional campuses if they’re still open.

If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail.

No updates for EC’s, awards or activities.

Agree with the other posters, if waitlisted or rejected then she can update.