Updating the UCs with a major award/accomplishment

Is there a preferred way to update the UCs after the application has been sent if a student receives a significant award or similar achievement? Some schools encourage this via either an actual uploadable form/email and other schools discourage this. Not sure about the UCs and was looking for guidance.

The UC’s will not consider updates on awards, accomplishments etc… after the application has been submitted.

You can log in to your application to review and, if necessary, change your telephone number, email, mailing address or exam scores. If you add or drop a course, fail to earn a C or better in a course or enroll in a new college after you submit your application, log back in and update your information online. If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes.

These are the only updates they will consider unless you receive an augmented review where you can submit additional information.

Thank you!

Also, I know the UC’s are not accepting SAT/ACT scores this year, but in previous years…did they allow self-reporting or did they require official test scores sent from the testing site?

Prior to this admission cycle, UC’s required you send official test scores from either College Board or ACT but will accept Self reporting of tests scores this year. You can send official test scores later after you accept and enroll in one of the UC’s.

@Gumbymom Thank you!