So how are we supposed to update the amdisisions office on new accomplishments if we’re applying RD? I’ve heard about the optional update form, but I couldn’t find any recent information. Am I just supposed to email the admissions office and should I include a small narrative if necessary. And will they fully consider my update even if they don’t reply?
I’m starting a new entrepreneurship outreach program which has a pretty good chance of being successful. Should I include a ~50 word narrative and should I include links to any press articles about it?
Imo, “starting” something is far from making it successful. Wait until you have real results. Better yet, join an existing, adult organization. But I don’t know what you think you can achieve in a few weeks.
I have a few things I’m working towards that should work out. I think my entrepreneurship outreach program can make an impact on a couple hundred students and get some press. I’ve already been working with a major organization to implement this. Also, I’m creating my own startup which is a mobile app. There’s a good chance of a couple thousand downloads plus I’ve been in contact with some people to get this featured on national press. Plus I’ve been heavily involved in research and my paper will likely be accepted to a top conference and I’m expecting a few awards that I’ve applied for. So yeah, a few major things. Trust me, I have some experience with this and I know how much you can accomplish in a few months if you remain really focused.
They’ll be reviewing apps when they return after break. What can you accomplish by then that impresses them? You don’t have months. You mention Stanford, Harvard, MIT. The stakes are higher than “can” or “good chance of” some number of downloads. In fact, it’s not about downloads. Nor peer outreach for entrepreneurship. And results, real results, funding, take even longer. It would help to have a better idea what tippy tops actually looks for.
@lookingforward From what I’ve heard, they always allow updates. MIT has the FUN form to share updates, but I’ve never found formal information for Harvard and Stanford. I found links to Stanford’s optional update form online, but they were extremely old. I did see on their website that they’ll accept email updates for things like new awards. For more complex updates, I’m unsure and I want to make sure I don’t go overboard. And I wouldn’t want to include links to news articles if they don’t want me to.
I’m sure that if the update is really significant, it might influence the decision. 3 months is still a long time and I doubt they’ll make final decisions in January.
And yes I should have real results. That’s why I’m not even mentioning these things until something comes about. How is XXX downloads or impacting XXX people not real results, especially if I have press and awards to back it up? I thought they like things like this. Plus these accomplishments fit well into my overall narrative. These things are just the cherry on top, but they should add something impressive, which I don’t really have (yet!).
What’s the vital update? That you’re planning an outreach and an app, may get an award? You don’t have results to report. No, they don’t want a link to a media report that some kid is “planning” xyz.
You don’t have 3 months to produce results. I don’t think you understand. They review you, rate you, various others review you. Starting in Jan. And by late Feb or early March they’re starting to pick finalists for final discussions.
And # downloads isn’t an “it.” You can’t say that in 6 weeks you impacted others. Think this through.