Updating Fall Grades for Fresno State

I’m transferring from a CCC. I’m curious about how I’m supposed to update my grades. I have all of my fall semester grades, I’m just wondering if Fresno State will send me an email to self-report them or do I change my grades on the application itself? Do they want my official transcript in January?

@CrimsonRat: Here is the information on the Fresno website: http://fresnostate.edu/studentaffairs/are/futurestudent/transfer/nextsteps.html

  1. Create your Fresno State Gmail Account
    About 7-10 business days after applying at Cal State Apply, you will receive an email with your student ID number. Make sure the spam filters on your email account are set to accept email from mail.fresnostate.edu Important admission notifications will be sent to your Fresno State email account.

  2. Update Cal State Apply Application- If you are enrolled in Fall 2019 courses, please update your course grades by the deadline- January 17th. Login into your Cal State Apply application.

  3. Submit official transcripts including fall 2019 grades, and spring 2020 work in progress and other official documents such as AP test scores by February 1, 2020.

  4. Check your admission status and “To-Do List” for missing documents in your student center. (my.fresnostate.edu)