UPenn Admissions Fall 2022

Glad for you! Mine does not change, all old dates.

Are you domestic?

Same thing for my son, only 2 things get updated every day, tax return and W2. I check the portal frequently.

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Honestly, I doubt it means a thing. Could be an update thing.

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But some domestic applicants don’t have it? Although most do have the update

Sorry, I’m confused. Are you saying most domestic applicants have an update of some type but not the late dates? Or are you saying something else?

Most people have said there has been an update to the dates. Some have not.

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Had anyone received fee waiver code for css profile from UPenn in Feb? My son received it on Feb 15 but we already submitted all required docs much before that. Not sure why UPenn sent him fee waiver code even without asking.

Maybe it is recognizing that the portal is being accessed as activity and updating the date. Maybe our accessing it is what’s causing the update…

highly doubt that

nah bc i’ve been checking every day but mine stopped updating on the 14th; i don’t want to read too much into it but at the same time i want to get in so bad so it’s kinda impossible not to LOL

Just out of curiosity I went in again today. Yesterday just two docs had changed, today the docs from yesterday were still dated 3/16 but the student tax return has been updated to today’s date. Wonder if there is anything to this?

Can ivy day hurry up please

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I’ve been checking every day and my DS’s 3 docs dates are still changing to today’s date 3/18/2022.

What time will Penn decisions release ?

I read somewhere that it was 7 pm

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Based on the number of people reporting daily changes it more likely to be a tech issue since only a small fraction of applicants get accepted.


On the other hand, my daughter only checks college portals after receiving an email regarding decision to see if she got any scholarship/aid (in scenarios she receives acceptance ):smile:

Exactly the same. Up until today, all 3 docs had updated every day since March 11.

I don’t think it has any meaning.