UPenn Class of 2027 Official Thread

This was what I was wondering… seems like a good sign but how would you have final grades already? Unless it’s a different type of semester, or just most recent 6 weeks grades ?

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Most likely his school didn’t email the mid term grades yet

I think think @Toasteeed is international. I think they also applied to US schools last year.

they did, they asked for my final grades as a gap year student

yes i am intl on a gap year

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Ohh makes sense. That’s why


Yes, I know. I was saying maybe they ask everybody for final grades. I’m not sure how it works for intl students though

Email about results

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can you access portal?

No the portal is closed until Thursday

I recommend ppl stop trying to guess what will happen one week from today. Yes, Penn is extremely competitive, so it’s a reach for everyone who isn’t recruited or fulfills some other institutional need. Just like all the ivies and other elite US universities. You will all end up at a great college that values what you have to offer, and you will control how much you get out of the education offered at that institution. I wish you all luck in admission to Penn and other colleges to which you applied! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


did anyone have financial documents downloaded this month?

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Duke asked my counselor for my Mid-year grades 4 days before ED decisions… then proceeded to reject me

my proof of earnings has a status date of early march

For those who looked through slate, is UPenn still on “in progress” for you? This is what I see (I didn’t apply QB…)



What are some of the ECs that impress UPenn admissions ? In terms of Wharton.

AIME impresses

Is anyone able to sign up for an event here?

I tried and it simply said " If you have already registered for another on-campus admitted student event, you will need to cancel that registration before you can register for this event. Please contact quakerdays@admissions.upenn.edu if you have any questions."

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It says that same thing to me as well

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