UPenn Class of 2027 Official Thread

I do not appear to have it


Could you show us what you are seeing on your end? Also are you an international or domestic student?

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On the CSS profile page, at the bottom, it lists any documents that any of the institutions to which you are applying need sent directly to them. It will list the document, whether they need the student or parent copy, and the code for any institution that needs it sent direct. This is because some places will take the information directly from IDOC, and others require it to be uploaded directly to them. If you haven’t sent those items to the schools listed, you will want to do that asap.

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We did that but wondered how long it had been lingering on the bottom of the CSS profile that we hardly every check unless we get an email. We sent it in this weekend but maybe it has been there for months and we didn’t notice it. Probably too late at this point.

Hmm. There was another college requesting different documents in a similar fashion that I got accepted to and they provided us with their FA decision even though we did not directly send any documents to them. Also, it is interesting to note that I think they waived some of these documents. In spite of this, do you think it is worth contacting the FA office this late?

I think if your FA check list on the Penn portal is complete, it’s fine and they got everything they need.


where is everyones slate decision? mine is still in progress

Same here, possible they just haven’t updated anything yet.

I applied ED and was deferred and it still says in progress for me

UPenn had an upload portal. They are asked for on CSS but uploaded to their own site.

I spent an insane amount of time between UPenn and another school’s special document uploads. But worth it if DS gets in.

FWIW, our’s still says they aren’t received. But I called because I worried I uploaded it wrong. They confirmed they have been, but haven’t been looked at yet. So it may not be too late.

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So is everyone like us just getting that CSS ask from Penn and upload to Penn through portal? We didn’t see it until the past week so worried it was out there for months and we missed it?

I didn’t see it until about 10 days ago. Then I busted my rear to get it in. Like you, I was worried we were late seeing it as well. I’m not sure what even prodded me to go review the portal. I just suddenly felt strongly we should look at it. We had two schools asking for info and like you I wondered how long those had been in there.
Maybe they weren’t in there very long though.


Everything on the Penn portal has been uploaded already, so does CSS mean I still have more to upload?

Yes, we were up all last night trying to upload everything and crossing our fingers it wasn’t out there for months and missed the deadline.

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Does anyone have “Status: All requirements are satisfied” right above the finaid checklist? Or does it instead say “1 unsatisfied requirement”? I uploaded all docs by the February deadline but had “1 unsatisfied requirement” until early March (when my Proof of Earnings Statement was processed).


All of mine are satisfied, hopefully that doesn’t indicate a rejection.

Where did you see the “All requirements are satisfied”? On CSS portal? or on Upenn portal?

UPenn finaid portal (text that is right above the checklist)

When was your Proof of Earnings Statement processed?

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