Upenn?? UVA NYU Cornell MIT???? Will chance back

<p>Asian Male Centennial High Senior. Ellicott City
GPA 4.53 Weighted op 10% 3.8 UW top 15%</p>

<p>Sat 730cr 750math 760writing (11)</p>

<p>Sat2s 760 Physics 800Math2</p>

Calc AB 5
Econ Micro 5
Econ Macro 5
Psych 5
English Language 4
Government 3</p>

<p>Freshman: 4 honors
Concert Band
Humanities World History GT
Humanities English 9 GT
Algebra 2 GT
Biology Gt
Spanish 1</p>

<p>Sophmore: 5 honors (1AP)
Precalculus GT
Humanities US GOV AP
Humanities English 11 GT
Chemistry GT
Spanish 2 Honors
Intro Engineering Design
Principles Engineering</p>

<p>Junior: 7 Honors (5AP)
Economics AP
Calculus AB AP
Humanities USHistory AP
Humanities English Language AP
Psychology AP
Spanish 3H
Physics GT</p>

<p>Senior: (6 Honors 4 AP)
Calculus BC AP
Humanities English Literature AP
Humanities Modern World GT
European History AP
Statistics AP
Mentor GT
Social Studies Aide</p>

Varsity Tennis 4 years Captain
Indoor Track 3 Years
Young Democrats 3 Years
Young Republicans Libertarian Liason 1 Year
Columbia Community Tutors 2 years
NHS 1 year
Community Service Senior Center
Volunteer Tennis Coach 3 years
Club Soccer 7 Years
Hiking and Swimming Enthusiast
Science Information Club 2 Years</p>


<p>Should i also apply Upenn????? </p>

<p>Business major</p>

<p>Are you applying to Wharton?..Your Sat Scores are good, but Class Rank may be a problem…For Wharton, I see it coming down to your essays, because everyone has the same stats range, but the essays seperate the kids that get in from the ones that don’t…</p>

<p>Sorted in diffuculty
U Penn- Reach , I know 2 people with the same GPA and SAT as you and were rejected.
But maybe your EC’s will help.
Cornell- Reach, My friend got in with 2150 and 4.4.
UVA- Match/In
NYU- In</p>

<p>UVA- low reach OOS
NYU- low match
UMCP- in
Washu- low reach
MIT- reach
Cornell- reach
Emory- low reach</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602724-chances-i-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602724-chances-i-chance-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;