UPS & FedEx Notifications

In the past years, did anybody received UPS package without notification?


Nothing from Gunn. I’ve been stalking their IG looking for any sign that they send anything out and haven’t seen anything yet. At this point I’ve settled on just having to wait until tomorrow morning. :woozy_face:

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Same!!! I feel like a total social media stalker lol

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What is the full name of Gunn?

I think they recently changed it too the fredrick gunn school


You applied to 47+ schools? Really?

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Wow, a heck of application fees!!!

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The Frederick Gunn School. Formerly The Gunnery.

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As I said above, I guess the humor was lost on people. Was just making the point that, for HADES schools, ~50% of decisions were waitlists last year and I would expect that to continue this year. For many schools, waitlists outnumber acceptances and rejections combined.


I have been checking my usps/fedex/ups notifications non-stop for the past 2 days. USPS was down for me all day yesterday. I just refreshed this morning and saw a pre-shipment label created March 8th from Lakeville, CT. That is is where Hotchkiss is located. Fingers crossed it’s an acceptance package as that is my child’s 1st choice!!


Biased sample in this forum’s survey. Majority of rejections would not come here to report. I doubt 50% are waitlisted in HADES schools.


how can you check that?

It’s at least 50%. Outright rejections are definitely less common than waitlists and at a few schools they are a true rarity.

I believe that with the number of qualified applicants these schools receive, they could fill several classes but they only have so much space… I choose to think of the “waitlist” as a message that you/your child is absolutely qualified to be at the school but they unfortunately just don’t have room for everyone. While still disappointing and essentially a “no”, I personally think it is a different message.


This. And also I think the waitlist is “we only had space for 1 [insert speciality], and there was effectively a coin flip and another kid got the spot. If they turn us down, your kid is one of the options up next.”

It might seem like the world is big enough for all the champion lacrosse players, violinists, and math competition winners in the world, but the fact is that the team only has so much space, and if there are 4 kids in the school vying for 2 spots, there are going to be 2 really unhappy kids, if the reason they chose the school was specifically for the lacrosse team/orchestra/mathletics. It’s actually better for your child to go to a school where they can pursue their passion, than it is for a child to go to a specific-name school.


Did anyone apply to St. Mark’s? I have a USPS notification of a package coming from Hudson, MA which is near the school but maybe a few miles away?

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Are you on east coast?

Yes. In fact, my son applied as a day student. We live 30 minutes from St. Marks.

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We applied to St Marks, but my USPS tracking is not working so I can’t check right now!

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i view it is a NO but you were seriously considered and debated (but lost out to someone else with same qualifications but filled some need - sport/music/donor etc);