URGENT: An ACT book with ALOT of practice tests.

<p>Hey, i need to quickly purchase a book and practice it before the Feb. ACT exam. I was wondering if there is a guide with close to 10 or more practice tests. I already have the McGraw Hill one, but i did all the tests in there.<br>
Please reply because february is coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>There's the Real ACT book. it only has three tests, but it's from the ACT company, so at least the tests are close to the actual thing.</p>

<p>There are another 6 tests in Cracking the ACT, so if you get that and the real ACT book, you'll have 9 tests. Those two books have the best ACT practice tests, hands down.</p>

<p>ONly the CD version of Cracking the ACT have 6 tests, and i heard it's not worth it. The CD sucks. So get the PR with 3 tests, and the REAl ACT guide with another 3 tests. Get the ACT prep pack from school, that's another 1. Trust me, 7 tests are enough. ACT is not like SAT, it's more straight forward. So you don't need that much practice tests.</p>

<p>I have the one with the CD, and it's great (going on my own experience here, not what I heard elsewhere). If you search this forum, you'll see that most people LOVE it.</p>

<p>Everyone is different in how much prep they need. 7 tests will be more than enough for some, others will want or need 10. To each his own. You can always start studying with just one book and then see what else you need.</p>

<p>personally I hate tests on CDs. (I don't have that one though)
it's just so different from actual test taking.</p>