I received the selection number 1234 to self-assign for housing. Does this mean I have no chance of getting glenn???

It means 1233 people get to pick before you do. :wink: Glen has 351 beds, so I understand your worry. However, there’s absolutely no way to know how many people before you are going to pick Glen.

I think as a freshman, you cross your fingers and vow to make the best of whatever you get. :slight_smile:

Doubles in Glenn were gone by about 6:30 Tuesday evening. There are currently quads available. If you go to the Tech Housing website there is a list of available rooms that is refreshed every 10 minutes.

@yankeeinGA @gleeberduck Which is the best choice after Glenn and Towers ?

Does anyone know the differences in Field and Mathewson? Are any on the quad more desirable than the others? Since I can only find pictures of the bathrooms in Glenn or Tower I’m wondering if the rest are gross.

@valodik I have no idea. My kid had a very low lottery number (around 50) but as he already elected to do the SMaRT dorm he was already assigned and couldn’t use the housing selector. The reality is that most of the dorms are… dorm-like. Try to think of it as an adventure. :wink:

@cegi45 My son lived in Field for freshman year, and its perfectly clean and fine. Georgia Tech has very well maintained dorms. Field has laundry in an attached building. There is an on line system to see when the washer is free. Dorms are a nine month experience and you will move at the end of freshman year. Just take whatever room they give you. We discovered that even the west versus east side is a don’t care. My son studied all the time on the west side with friends over there, and he lived on the east side, near the Football stadium. He is not a football type of kid, bought season tickets and slept through early games, he did not even hear the band. Remember you will be using air conditioning in the fall so windows are closed mostly.

All the rooms are about the same: just a bed and desk, so no worries at all. It will be good, the school is great and you will spend very little time sleeping so don’t worry. Glenn may be newer, but does an 18 year old really care that much how new it looks? You will not notice the difference at all, and Nine months is very short! It will be over before you know it, and you will be moving to an apartment on or off campus!

Georgia Tech has a ton of stuff to do, so you will not be sitting in your room much. I have no idea why Glenn is good, and I will tell you, its all the same. Don’t worry.

Thank you!