URGENT question about mid-year transcripts

<p>I'm currently postponed. I had my grade report sent on January 20th along with another letter of recommendation but it's still listed as "not confirmed" on the myUW site. I emailed the admissions office and the reply said that they could check in their system to see if they have received my mid-year information but also that if it's been more than three weeks, I should resend it because it has not been received. Should I be concerned? I sent it in the blue envelope (with the old Langdon St red gym admissions address) that came in the mail with my "postponed" letter, unaware that the admissions address had changed. If I resend my mid-year grades will they arrive and be entered into my file for my application to even be considered again? I'm extremely concerned because I've worked very hard this semester and would hate to get denied simply because they didn't receive my mid-year grades on time :(</p>

<p>My grades didn’t show up in my student center until about 3 weeks later…maybe even a little later. Same with a few of my friends. Don’t freak out, but maybe resend them just in case.</p>