Still haven’t gotten my midyear grades?

<p>I sent them early January and it still hasn’t updated. I emailed like a week ago and got no response, what will they do if they don’t have them by Sunday? Am I screwed?</p>

<p>my high school transcripts were sent on january 16, and it still says they are "not confirmed"
i emailed them on February 16 asking about this, and they replied saying they did receive them and my status will be updated shortly. but it still hasn't been updated.
i'm guessing its the same situation with you. they probably have your grades, but just havent updated your status link yet. to be sure, try emailing again, every time i have emailed, they email me back the same day. i don't think you have anything to worrry about, but email just to make sure they received them. just because your status link says "not confirmed" doesn't mean they dont have it, they are just really slow at updating it.</p>

<p>oh ok thanks</p>

<p>From your recent post in the other thread, maybe they really didn't get your midyear grades, and that's why? Unless you've already called/emailed them in the past day or so, I think it'd be worth it to call them on Monday.</p>

<p>Thanks, I plan to. I just don’t want to get my hopes up.</p>

<p>Yup they never got my first semester grades. My counselor just sent the same transcript twice. And none of the other schools I got deffered from got them either, so Im completely screwed. I have to file a formal appeal at UW, which im guessing has about zero chance of actually working. And I have to resend my transcript to michigan and minnesota, my other top choices. But my schools on spring break now so I have to wait a week to send those, which gives the schools like one week to recieve and look at them before the deadline. FML.</p>

<p>Wow. I would kick your counselor's a**ss if I were you. Yes, mistakes happen, but... Wow.</p>

<p>Did the admissions people say anything else? And can you contact those other schools to tell them the situation? You're counselor will probably need to call them and explain him/herself; they probably won't believe just you. Disregarding what I said up there, and as you probably know, it won't be worth it to get upset and yell at your counselor. Hopefully s/he can fix it, and s/he probably will do everything s/he can.</p>

<p>I think given your situation, you have more than a zero chance. I can't say how much, as I don't know the inner workings of admissions, but at least I would hope you'd have more than zero. Good luck. I hope you can get this fixed for all of your schools, and that Madison will look at you again. I honestly don't know why they wouldn't, but... :&lt;/p>

<p>And with your FML, this would probably be a good anecdote for that site. :P</p>

<p>Good luck </p>

<p>I would talk to your counselor and tell him to call the schools.</p>