<p>i have an urgent application question:</p>

<p>Harvard asks for 3 SAT2's</p>

<p>I listed</p>

<p>Math2: 750
Chemistry: 720
Writing: 700</p>

<p>I have another one, which is a 650 in US History. I know they will see it on the score report, but should I list it on the app or not? My concerns are that Writing may not be viewed as an SAT2 since it is no longer offered and I got a 770 on the SAT1 Writing, and that a 650 is a pretty sub-par score for Harvard. SO to list or not to list??????????</p>

<p>Write it down. Your 650 isn't very low at all, and writing it down will protect you if they do not accept your writing SAT II (I'm not familiar with whether they do or not). Own up to it, and be confident in your scores and abilities.</p>

<p>just list them all. they're gonna see them anyway</p>

<p>I agree.. the score isn't low.. while you may not think it is "good enough" you earned it.. be proud of it.</p>