URGENT-UAH Merit Scholarship

Hello everyone. I really need your help. I am from India and UAH is my dream college because of its focus on engineering. I was supposed to send all my application materials in April-May. However, do to some family reasons, I had to quit this dream. But now that is all sorted, I wanted to know if I can still get some merit scholarship to attend UAH.
I have 31 ACT n 3.87 GPA. I have sent my High school transcripts and they will be reaching UAH in a week or so. My credential evaluation will take at least 15 days to reach UAH. Should I even think about getting admitted? I really wanted to be here because it is a perfect fit for me. Please help me out. Thankyou.

Hello. Are you hoping to attend starting in August of 2015??

Go look at your posts (and UAH replies) on the correct site from a couple days ago: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-of-alabama-huntsville/1792847-urgent-uah-merit-scholarship.html#latest . You are on the UA (Tuscaloosa) site, not UA Huntsville here.

Thankyou @aeromom I didn’t realise that. I have read the replies on that thread now. Thank you for pointing out my mistake. Have a great day :slight_smile: