URGENT: Which class should I take? PLEASE HELP!

I really really need some advice…it has been driving me crazy these past few days. OK… I have two classes that i want to take at my school but are at the same time (Hnrs Anatomy/Microbio and Hnrs Spanish 4). Which class do you think would look better on college apps? I am planning on majoring in biology (research). if i take the hnrs anatomy/microbio class, i will have taken every science class offered at my school. but, i don’t know if i should just skip the last spanish class. don’t colleges like to see four years of a foreign language? i really want to go to the University of Chicago, and when I tried calling them to ask for their opinion, they didn’t really give a straight-forward answer. they just said to do what i want and to explain the circumstances on my app. but i feel that simply isn’t enough. please help me out. i only have two days to decide!!!

<p>do whichever you would like more. personally, i would go with spanish, but that's because i ENJOY spanish more than anatomy. also, at my school, anatomy/physiology is a bunny class, but I don't know about yours.</p>

<p>Spanish. Colleges seem to like four years of foreign languages. And, you've already made the committment to three, so why not another year?</p>

<p>these are some good comments...but i need to be more convinced! the teacher for anatomy/micro is kind of pressuring me to take her class. she's like "i was so shocked to see that your name wasn't on the class list. what do you need spanish for? your counselor is stupid for telling you to finish another year of spanish. blah blah blah." and plus, i heard she is not even a good teacher; she kind of keeps talking about random things, although she is a very experienced person. i don't know, it would feel kind of weird not to take spanish. i really like learning about the hispanic culture. i think all along i wanted to take spanish. gosh, but i just don't know!</p>

<p>anyhow, thank you guys so much for the comments. i really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Then take Spanish. It's stupid to be pressured into a class you don't want to take by your teacher. My SPanish teacher is also very bad; but independent study that I do is more incredibly fulfilling than anything else I could do with that hour. If you like the Spanish more, go for it!</p>

<p>Plus, I get the feeling that colleges like commitments to something, and you've already spent three years taking Spanish, a fourth would be sensible.</p>

<p>I think Spanish 4 would look "better" to a college because it's a pretty standard course. Adcoms would not necessarily know the content nor the difficulty of am anatomy/microbiology class.</p>

<p>I think Spanish 4 would look "better" to a college because it's a pretty standard course. Adcoms would not necessarily know the content nor the difficulty of an anatomy/microbiology class.</p>

<p>cool...maybe i better opt for spanish 4.</p>

<p>Unless you personally have a great interest in anatomy/microbiology, I agree, 4 years of a foreign language is something they definitely want to see. The fact that your teacher would pressure you against the advice of your counselor is to me a bad sign.</p>

<p>if she is not even a good teacher, it's a no-brainer: Span 4</p>