
<p>My college deadlines are fast approaching, and I'm having some serious issues with this website.
The Common App website, I mean.
I have invited 3 teachers and my counselors via email to submit their recommendation letters.
They have all finished their letters, but it is not showing up that they have been submitted or even started! One teacher's says that she's started, actually, but NONE have been submitted.
I'm beginning to panic.
Please, give me any help that you can!</p>

<p>First, take a nice deep breath and relax. It’s going to be ok, really. :-)</p>

<p>Next, submit your application and supplement before the deadline anyway. This is the stuff that absolutely, positively has to be in by the deadline – timing on the school forms usually isn’t quite as critical, although of course you want to get them in as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Finally, visit the Common App School Forms Support Center at this link:
[Support</a> Center](<a href=“http://s3.parature.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=5525]Support”>http://s3.parature.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=5525)</p>

<p>Click “Submit a Support Ticket” on the leftside menu. Then click “Open a Support Ticket.” Then click “Open a new support ticket.” Then click “Submit a Ticket.” (It’s true, they really don’t want to make this process easy for you!)</p>

<p>In the category drop-down, select either “school form not submitted” or “status of school form” – fill out the rest of the form with the appropriate information. Then the Common App support folks should be able to help you out with the specifics of your situation.</p>

<p>PS: Another option would be to have all the teachers mail printed copies of their recommendation forms to your college. This is what geek_son did, even though the teachers were listed as “online” references in commonapp.org – the school forms still show there as “not submitted” even though he’s already been admitted.</p>

<p>Thank you SO much. I can’t express how much you helped.
I feel a lot better.
I’m just panicking because school doesn’t start again until the 5th, and most of my deadlines are January 1st.
However, I have submitted my applications and supplements for all but one school (Wake Forest, whose deadline is January 15th).
Sicne it’s winter break right now, I have almost no way to contact my teachers and counselor.

<p>Well, keep this in mind too… Admissions offices aren’t open 24 hours a day, and processing all those applications takes a fair amount of time. January 1st is a holiday. January 2nd is a Friday that almost everyone will take off. January 3rd and 4th are the weekend. January 5th, the secretaries will begin downloading applications from commonapp.org and creating individual files for you and all the other students who applied over the holidays. That can take a week or two, at least.</p>

<p>And January 5th, if your counselor and teachers are especially kind, they can all print off their letters and fax or mail them to your colleges. Almost no delay at all. And the colleges /want/ your application… they want to find out about you just as much as you want to make your case to them.</p>

<p>What you can do right now is gather the Admissions Office postal addresses and fax numbers for all the colleges you’re applying to, so that you can hand a nice, neat request to your counselor and teachers on January 5th. That will make it easy for them to help you out.</p>

<p>And really, don’t waste your vacation time worrying over this. Colleges deal with incomplete applications all the time – mail gets lost in transit, papers get misplaced, or whatever. What most colleges will do if your recs aren’t in a week or two after the deadline is contact you, tell you what documents are missing, and tell you they need the missing documents as soon as possible so they can start reviewing your application.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>