US History and Biology E?

<p>Okay, I've got 2-3 weeks off from school and I'm just wondering with the time I have now until the next testing day, if I were to study independently until the next testing day, would that be enough time to earn me a 700+ score on either US History or Biology E? Here's the deal, I figured US History would be easier cause for one, I like history and two, it's all based on memorization. Biology E is a little harder for me seeing as how I hate Biology but I'm taking AP Bio currently so I figured it could help me in someway. Anyways, would 2-3 weeks yield enough time for me to get a decent score on both tests?</p>

<p>I’ve never taken USH SAT II before, but 2-3 weeks is plenty of time to study for Biology and get a 700+, especially with a good bio class.</p>

<p>The U.S History is INTENSE. You have to really know your facts. You probably need a good month or two to review- but it really depends how well you did on your APUSH exam and how much you learned in your history class. The test WILL state specific dates and years, so be prepared. </p>

<p>Quick, what does David Ruggles and Sojourner Truth have in common?</p>

<p>Take the Bio one, 2-3 weeks self-study start-to-finish just isn’t enough for US History, not unless you’re willing to put your whole vacation aside to study for it. Personally I found the test easy, but I took APUSH right before it and got a 5 on the exam (in other words, I’d been technically studying all year).
Bio should be fine, though. Take your us history in the summer.</p>

<p>Biology E will be okay if you study for 2-3 weeks (Princeton is exceptionally great for this), but USH, not so much. It’s crazy hard and you do not want to cram for it.</p>

<p>The funny thing is that the APUSH kids at my school did horribly on the SAT 2 USH, but the regular USH kids did well :|</p>

<p>I suppose it depends on your comfort level with the subject.</p>

<p>i studied 4 weeks (read the barron’s book twice, and cliff’s notes once) and got a 770. i hadn’t even taken bio since freshman year.</p>

<p>US History is gonna be hard to cram for. there’s a LOT of info covered.
If you’ve already taken APUSH or is currently taking it…then it might not be so bad.
But I would suggest taking US History after taking the APUSH exam so you’ve already studied for it. (if you’re a soph/junior that is)</p>

<p>And it’s like 80? problems in an hour. You have to go pretty fast.</p>