<p>im taking the us history sat2 in december and i was wondering if there was any last mintue prep that i can do, also i am takin math level 2, and i havent started to study yet, anyone sources that can help me
<p>Nothing like planning ahead! ;-)</p>
<p>Go to B&N and grab some prep books asap. I have PR’s for US history and it rocks!!</p>
<p>amsco ftw!</p>
<p>Kaplans for the SATII is really good.</p>
<p>Amsco added with REA is good!</p>
<p>well, Amsco and Rea is good. What about the Dummies? Is it good?
My prep books are Rea, Kaplan and Dummies. Are they enough for me to get 750 or even 800?
Thanks ^^</p>
<p>bumppppp. so amsco for ush, what about a book for math 2 ?</p>
<p>If we are taking APUSH…would there be additional prep needed?</p>
<p>REA+ Kaplans=800</p>
<p>Covers all the stuff you need to know. So jellyfish–you should be fine! I used REA for the AP and then read over Kaplans and did like one practice set (untimed, too) the week before the SAT II and got a 800.</p>
<p>You can miss like 6-7? questions and still get an 800 I think</p>
<p>Oh I’ve heard great things about Amsco…but I havent looked at it so can’t give any feedback on it. From what i’ve heard, it’s very detailed so if you have time, use it. but if you’re cramming, better go with Kaplans-it gets straight to the point, major terms without the detail that REA and Amsco have</p>
<p>wow, thanks Smile614 ;)</p>
<p>Smile614…did you use REa AP or the one for sat2</p>
<p>Amsco, Kaplan practice tests
I took the subject test after the APUSH exam with no prep other than doing a couple Kaplan practice tests and got an 800.</p>
<p>I used REA for the AP test and then Kaplan for the SAT.</p>
<p>Yeah, didn’t do intense prep after AP exam (…actually didnt do intense prep for that either…which is why I probably got a 4 instead of a 5 haha!)
Just read of Kaplan (didn’t do it before the AP exam) and 1 practice test! </p>
<p>the SAT US history test is really not that bad…especially after taking the AP exam…it’s a whole lot shorter and no writing!! Except I felt a bit more rushed I think during the SAT.</p>
<p>Well, I ordered an AMSCO book a few days ago, but apparently everyone here has already taken AP US history. Should I self study for the USH Subject test, even though my US history class is just an honors class?</p>
<p>If you’ve covered all of US History and you look through the AMSCO book throughout the year…and feel fairly confident about it, then I definitely would! Any little pieces of info your honors class leaves out will probably be covered in the AMSCO book. Consider flipping through a Kaplan SAT book if you really want a high score. Just the week of the test or something (doesn’t take long at all!) and look/do some practice questions/tests</p>
<p>Unless you plan on taking AP US History like next year? And you’re only a sophomore?
Then you should wait.</p>