USC 2020-2021 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY

Accepted - Dornsife- Econ

Decision Date & Time: June 11, 2020 5:30PM

SGR April 15,2020

Submitted grades on June 11, 2020 @ 12:23 (heard back the same day)

Spring grades- A in Accounting 2
A in Bus Calc

College transferring from: Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC)

Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No and no.

Entering as: Junior

GPA: 3.44 after spring grades.

Units completed: 86? I don’t know but I took a lot of classes lol.
Units in progress: 0
Pre-reqs completed: all required for my major
GEs completed: All


ECs listed on app: internship
Job/Work Experience: Worked for 3 years, at retail and with kids.

Essays (subject and responses): I responded to the different backgrounds one and how I planned to pursue my academic achievements. For the first question I wrote about coming from a low-income minority background and meeting people of different ethnicities and backgrounds which I never grew up around and how I was exposed to new realities different from my norm. For the second one I wrote about the opportunities I would have because of how good their Econ program is.
Letters of Recommendation: I got none from my professors because I was never close to any but did get one from someone I interned for.

Other schools applied to: UCSD, UCR, USC, CSUN (ACCEPTED)
UCI, UCLA did not finish pre reqs for these schools (REJECTED)


  1. Were you surprised by the results?

YES but no! The whole time I kept telling myself to be positive and kept thinking oh when I get in. I was really scared because my GPA was 3.37 when they read my application. I felt bad seeing everyone post their GPA and see that they had 4.0s or 3.8. That was the only thing that made me really question my odds. Since they even say themselves average GPA is 3.7 but I guess everything is plus or minus which in my case minus.

  1. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? I think my biggest strength was my personal statements they were very personal, but I did not brag about myself neither did I try to make them feel pity. I also have a 4.0 in my major and have gotten straight A’s beside a stats class for about a year (fall, winter, spring, summer).
  2. Did you have any help with the application? No, but the day of I asked my sister who is a writing tutor to read over it.
  3. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? YES!
  4. Is USC your first choice? YES!
  5. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? Everything submitted was on time.

Accepted - Marshall/Business Administration

[ b]Decision Date & Time: May 22nd, 2020 - 5:00 PM PST**


[] College transferring from: Pasadena City College (PCC)
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Junior
] GPA: 4.0
[] Units completed: 36
] Units in progress: 15
[] Pre-reqs completed: all
] GEs completed: 8/8

[] ECs listed on app: board member of an honor society, middle school tutoring, associated students committee, soccer team in high school, volunteering here and there.
] Job/Work Experience: none
[] Essays (subject and responses): maybe a 7.5 or 8/10. I think my “Why USC?” was really good. I also wrote one on connections and friendships, this one is good as well. My personal statement was pretty decent.
] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from my Econ professor.

[li] Other schools applied to: none[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results?
Half surprised, half not
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
I think definitely my GPA, specifically those As in Calculus and English
3. Did you have any help with the application?
I had my girlfriend and best friend proofreading my essay.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
Yes! USC is my dream school!
5. Is USC your first choice?
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
I submitted my application on the day, but high school and college transcript came after the deadline.

Originally got a SGR on April 15th and sent in my grade June 3 at midnight

[ *] College transferring from: California Community College
[ *] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[ *] Entering as: Sophomore
[ *] GPA: 4.0
[ *] Units completed: 16
[ *] Units in progress: 19
[ *] Pre-reqs completed: all
[ *] GEs completed: all except 2
[ *] ECs listed on app: lots from high school (like 13). During community college I worked part-time 20-25 hours, podcast, and newsletter coordinator
[ *] Job/Work Experience: yes 20-25 hours
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): pretty solid in my opinion! My why USC was the best one
[ *] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from my Writing professor, really close with her
[ *] Other schools applied to: none. USC is my dream school


  1. Were you surprised by the results?
    YES! I am soooo excited because it was least expected.
  1. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? My essays were solid and I think it demonstrated why I want to major in political science/why I want to be a lawyer. I am also First Generation. Solid Letter of Rec. GPA. I really demonstrated how much I want to go to USC.
  2. Did you have any help with the application? Yes, I had my friend who goes to USC read them and her mom who was an alumni before I submitted.
  3. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? Yes!! FIGHT ON!
  4. Is USC your first choice? Yes! #FTFO
  5. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? Before.

Good luck to any future transfer students reading this thread and remember fight on!

Accepted - Dornslife-Psychology
**Decision Date & Time: SGR on April 22nd, decision June 19th 5:19PST **

[] College transferring from: went to a UC to a t40 private to a CCC in LA
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Junior
] GPA: 3.83
[] Units completed: 86
] Units in progress: completed 12 during Spring
[] Pre-reqs completed: 2/2 taken, one satisfied with an AP exam
] GEs completed: finished all but one GE
[/list][ b]Subjective: /b
[] ECs listed on app: Got a national certification for a skills position in Psychology, did independent research at my t40 for a mental issues
] Job/Work Experience: Been working multiple jobs simultaneously since I was 16, so the notable ones that I think sealed the deal was working a psych job with kids with autism, and lice removal. Nothing significant about the lice removal one, it’s just weird as hell and I think made me stand out

[] Essays (subject and responses): My one liners were super creative and funny, an example is for the question about which class you would teach I put “The Psychology of Dedication (MTWTHF 8AM)”. I thought worst case is I don’t get in I could make someone laugh. Essays were about my dedication towards mental health and prenatal issues, wanting to run my own clinic so taking business classes at USC would help me run my business in the long run. Focused on my psych job and overall why I love the field.
] Letters of Recommendation: Two, one from my race and ethnic studies prof at CCC (he was my mentor for a honors conference I presented at and I finished with 110% in his class so I think that didn’t hurt) and my academic advisor/professor at my t40.

[li] Other schools applied to: UCLA (waitlisted), Pitzer( accepted), UCSD (accepted), UCSB(accepted), UCB(rejected), Pomona (rejected), Stanford (rejected)[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results?
Absolutely. I honestly thought the three schools would be a huge red flag, I clearly didn’t have a lot of luck with the other private schools so I was shocked USC accepted me.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
My goal was to make my application as unique as possible. I know that doesn’t help, but honestly every aspect of my app I made sure I wrote something that I hoped the admissions counselors had never seen. My desired profession is in a unusual field of medicine, so writing about that was something I think very few people even care about. My one liners were very creative and I think those were my best supplementals out of all my apps cause I really showed my personality. My essays had unique topics, and I made sure that the most important parts about me were in there.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
99% sure I will be. I really like the idea of a spring start cause of COVID 19, just kinda worried about graduating on time.
5. Is USC your first choice?
It was second, stanford was first (but let’s be honest that wasn’t going to happen)
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
I turned my app in on the deadline, and all my materials like transcripts and such were processed after the due date. I ordered them ahead of time but my schools were slow asf.

Accepted - Marshall School of Business

[color=blue]**Decision Date & Time: Friday June 19th, 2020 5:19 PM PST[ /b][ /color]


[] College transferring from: a CCC
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Junior
] GPA: 3.96
[] Units completed: 73
] Units in progress: 0
[] Pre-reqs completed: English & Math Requirements, as well as core business courses (not required, but highly recommended)
[ ] GEs completed: 8/8 (although you only need 6)
[/ul][ b]Subjective:

  • [] ECs listed on app: Honors Program (enrolled in at least one Honors course each semester)
    [] Job/Work Experience: Part-time job throughout college
    ] Essays (subject and responses): Wrote them pretty last minute, but definitely put my all into them. I enjoy writing, so it was hard to stay within the word limit when trying to convey so many ideas at once! My main essay revolved around me spending a majority of my adolescence trying to please those around me rather than put my own goals first, and how attending USC would be a dream because of how much I value education as a child of first-generation immigrants. I also mentioned clubs I would like to join and how I would benefit the Trojan family. My “Why USC/major?” essay focused on growing up in LA and knowing that no other business program in SoCal utilizes its location as well as USC does, being in the epicenter of the business world. I mentioned specific classes and professors I was looking forward to taking. For the essay which we were able to choose the prompt, I chose the prompt regarding interdisciplinary academic opportunities. I wrote about working with children and connecting that to my desire to minor in The Dynamic of Early Childhood at USC’s Rossier School of Education. I expressed the significance of a well-rounded education, and how I planned on educating future generations alongside exploring a career in business.
  • Letters of Recommendation: A Professional recommendation from my manager

[li] Other schools applied to: CSUN (Admitted). I also chose not to apply to UCLA because of their lack of an undergraduate business program, although I was considering it in the beginning of my CC career.[/li]

1. Were you surprised by the results?
Definitely! I was given a SGR on April 23rd and submitted my grades on June 15th. I was a 4.0 student with one W during a part-time semester, which I explained on my application. I ended up getting a B this Spring, and was sure I would be rejected!
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
My grades, as I was a 4.0 student when applying, and am now a 3.96. I also believe my essays, Honors courses, and job/recommendation may have been a helpful boost.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
I had my sister read over it and help me make revisions, but I wrote it all myself (pretty last minute too!)
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
Of course! I can’t think of a better business program in SoCal than USC’s Marshall School of Business, it was an honor to be accepted and I am very excited to attend!
5. Is USC your first choice?
Absolutely. CSUN was definitely my safety school, and although I began to become more comfortable with the idea that I may be rejected by USC and have to go to CSUN, I still knew a university as prestigious as USC would be a better recognition of my years of hard work.
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
I submitted my transcripts before I submitted the Common Application. I procrastinated and ended up submitting my Common App the night it was due (11:30 PM I believe), still on time though!

[ color=green][ b]Accepted - Dornsife, Political Science[ /b][ /color]
[ color=orange][ b]Spring Grade Request - April 15[ /b][ /color]

[ color=blue][ b]Decision Date & Time: June 22, 2020 - 5:16 pm [ /b][ /color]

[ b]Stats:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] College transferring from: Pasadena City College
[ *] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Yes
[ *] Entering as: Sophomore
[ *] GPA: 4.0
[ *] Units completed: 36
[ *] Units in progress: 3
[ *] Pre-reqs completed: Writing, math, both major pre-reqs
[ *] GEs completed: 6/8, taking my 7th this summer

[ *] ECs listed on app: Work, started a business, youth minister, tennis, ballet
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Florist (freelance and my own business)
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): Put my heart and soul into them. Talked about growing up mixed in a middle upper-class neighborhood for personal statement. For why transfer I talked about learning to love education and wanting to explore the height of academia at USC. For why USC I talked about growing up in LA and how I want to go to a school with diverse politics and close to major metropolitan hospitals (I’m pre med)
[ *] Letters of Recommendation: my English prof (took two of her classes, she loved me) and my youth group leader
[ /list][ b]Other:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] Other schools applied to: USC or bust

[ /list][ b]QUESTIONS:[ /b]
[ b]1. Were you surprised by the results?[ /b]
Not really because of TTP but still a little shocked!
[ b]2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?[ /b]
My GPA and my essays. Had a 3.2 in high school so showed upward trend in college.
[ b]3. Did you have any help with the application?[ /b]
[ b]4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?[ /b]
[ b]5. Is USC your first choice?[ /b]
[ b]6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?[ /b]
Before the deadline


I guess you didn’t read the instruction that said “[color=blue]Remove the Spaces”[/color]

color=green][ b]Accepted - Marshall/Business Administration[ /b][ /color]
[ color=blue][ b]Decision Date & Time: (June 24th)[ /b][ /color]

[ b]Stats:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] College transferring from: ccc
[ *] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[ *] Entering as: sophomore
[ *] GPA: 4.0
[ *] Units completed: 46
[ *] Units in progress: 6 (summer class)
[ *] Pre-reqs completed: All
[ *] GEs completed: 5/8
[ /list][ b]Subjective: /b
[ list]
[ *] ECs listed on app: student government, research, several clubs in both college and high school (all in leadership position)
[ *] Job/Work Experience: 2 part time jobs
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): I tie my activities/jobs back to why am I choosing my major and how will those activities help me to succeed in my major
[ *] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from math professor
[ /list][ b]Other:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] Other schools applied to: None

[ /list][ b]QUESTIONS:[ /b]
[ b]1. Were you surprised by the results?[ /b]
Nope (actually yes, cuz there were not much freshman from ccc got accepted to usc without ttp)
[ b]2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?[ /b]
My essays and activities (I tied them back to my major and emphasize on interdisciplinary learning)
[ b]3. Did you have any help with the application?[ /b]
Some help from counselor
[ b]4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?[ /b]
Yes !
[ b]5. Is USC your first choice?[ /b]
[ b]6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?[ /b] on the deadline

Accepted - Dornsife/Political Science

**Decision Date & Time: 06/24 7:23PM **


[] College transferring from: midwest flagship
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: no
[] Entering as: sophomore
] GPA: 4.0
[] Units completed: 33
] Units in progress: n/a
[] Pre-reqs completed: no idea tbh
] GEs completed: no idea tbh

[] ECs listed on app: hella…
college: leader of p.s. group, member of art/lit mags, volunteer for an asian org, exhibited in art shows
high school: leader of multiple clubs, study abroad 2x, social justice groups’ leader outside of school
] Job/Work Experience: art/tutoring jobs, volunteer political work
[] Essays (subject and responses): my difficulties/reasons for studying abroad, art opportunities in los angeles, and finding connections between art/poli sci/statistics
] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from afro lit prof and 1 from poli sci prof

[li] Other schools applied to: umich (accepted), northwestern, brown, barnard[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results?
i was pleasantly surprised! i had initially received a sgr and did not submit it until i got a follow up recently from my regional admissions officer, so i was confident.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
i have no idea. i guess my story/commitment to my diverse ~ interdisciplinary ~ interests was compelling/unique. i really drove home usc’s location/opportunities also.

3. Did you have any help with the application?
yes, i asked my professors (who wrote my recs) for their input on my personal statement but changed the middle to be school-specific. i also took bits of my apps from last year. i kind of applied just to see! (i was rejected the first time around)
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
nope. esp with covid, i’d rather be close to home in case something were to happen. I’m also not sure about the aid I would get, but i didn’t check. (i need a lot of financial aid) also, after thinking about it more, i am not sure that usc would be considerably more beneficial than my current institution. if i was unsatisfied, it would be difficult to transfer again as opposed to establishing myself in my current college for another year. am i still kinda sad about not going? yes. california is beautiful -
5. Is USC your first choice?
no ;_; it was northwestern.
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
sgr transcript was late but app materials were before deadline.

so happy for everyone that is going!! wish u all the best~

Accepted - Marshall/Business Admin

**Decision Date & Time: Wednesday June 24, 2020 5:00pm


[] College transferring from: Pasadena City College (PCC)
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Legacy
[] Entering as: Junior
] GPA: 3.93
[] Units completed: 99
] Units in progress: 0
[] Pre-reqs completed: English/Math completed
] GEs completed: 7/8

[] ECs listed on app: Associated students, volunteering, study abroad, 2x Tournament of Roses Royal court finalist.
] Essays (subject and responses): 8.5/10. talked about my abroad experience, my family hosting international students for most of my life, and how I’ve made the most out of attending a community college first.
[li] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from the VP of PCC. [/li][/ul]**Other:

[li] Other schools applied to: Accepted: SDSU, CSULB, CSUN. Waitlisted: Cal Poly SLO[/li]

  1. Were you surprised by the results?** Yes! Because its late I thought I'd be a spring admit, but I was accepted for fall!**
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? letter of rec, GPA, & legacy
  3. Did you have any help with the application? Yes, my mom (an alum) helped me with the essays
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? I'd love to! It depends on finances. Hoping that financial aid pulls through.
  5. Is USC your first choice? YES! this was my third time applying, so it feels so good to be accepted.
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? On the deadline

Accepted - Dornife- Sociology for fall 2020

Decision Date & Time: Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 5:19 pm

College transferring from: Pasadena City College (PCC)
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: N/A
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.95
Units completed: 73
Units in progress: 0
Pre-reqs completed: English/Math completed
GEs completed: 7/8- everything but language.
ECs listed on the app: Associated students, volunteering, board member of a charter school, an intern for the Vice Mayor of Pasadena, etc.
Essays (subject and responses): Honestly, I wouldn’t give it a rating, but I generally am a passionate writer. I wrote about my experience of finishing high school early and jumping into college at the age of 16. I talked about programs that interested me in the essays, that other schools didn’t have. Also, on how I believe its important to go out and find opportunities for yourself, rather than waiting for them to be given to you.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from an academic coach at PCC
Other schools applied to: Accepted: I applied to over 20, and go no rejections, but I’ll list the “best” ones. UCLA, Berkeley, UC Davis, UC SD, Baylor, CSUN, SFSU, CSLB, San Fran Uni, etc.

  1. Were you surprised by the results? Considering that I got into other top schools, not necessarily but, I still remained optimistic.
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? My age, and what I have accomplished. I became a board member of two schools at the age of 17. Also my essays.
  3. Did you have any help with the application? No, I had a few people read over them, but not exactly help.
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? As of now, I am committed to UCLA, due to the deadline. If the aid is good I will definitely attend.
  5. Is USC your first choice? Definitely! I don't want to attend anywhere else. I feel that this is the best school for me, and I will truly thrive with the opportunities the students at this school get.
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? On the deadline

Accepted on appeal - Dornsife- Creative Writing for Fall 2020

Decision Date & Time: Friday May 22nd - rejected, Friday June 5th submitted appeal, Friday June 27th - appeal approved, accepted!!!

College transferring from: Miami Dade College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: N/A
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.23
Units completed: 96
Units in progress: 0
Pre-reqs completed: All complete, AA
GEs completed: All complete
ECs listed on the app: Editor in Chief of the literary arts magazine on campus, president of the human rights club, peer academic leader for national tutoring program, lgbt scholarship recipient, student government representative.
Essays (subject and responses): I had some really killer essays. My personal statement was a grand slam, my other essays were phenomenal, and my portfolio was strong. My appeal letter may be the best thing I’ve ever written.
Letters of Recommendation: 3 letters of recommendation from 3 professors, two English, 1 film. My recommendations were very very strong!
Other: minus my low GPA I had a seriously strong application and even in my transcripts I had a strong upward trend. I’d also like to say I had 8 courses of literature under my belt all straight As in English. Just had a really rough start in community college. I’d also like to mention I’m a former high school drop out and only have a GED and no test scores.
Other schools applied to:
Rejected- Chapman University
Waitlisted- none
Accepted- Emerson College, Loyola Marymount, Ithaca College
Successful appeal- USC

  1. Were you surprised by the results? I'm well aware that my GPA may be the very lowest USC accepted this year or in many years. I worked my ass off and pushed myself so hard. My application for USC collectively took me over six months to finish and I reached out to many mentors for guidance and advice. I scoured these forums and reddit and YouTube and anything I could use to help me make my application competitive. Even still I was not shocked when I was rejected from USC because well duh, they turn away students with 4.0s. I was in shock when I received my appeal decision. I'm a realistic numbers person typically but my appeal letter was perhaps the strongest element of my application. I'm still very shocked that they accepted me but i know this is the culmination of years of hard work and determination. If you're reading this wondering if you're good enough to apply to USC, do it! You are as good as you set out to be.
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? I think with such a low GPA, every other element of my application had to be a strong as possible. I had insane ECs, I had beautiful amazing letters of rec, my essays were amazing and perfectly written.
  3. Did you have any help with the application? I had a lot of help with my personal statement from a mentor and some help with essays from a professor, but honestly all the writing and the appeal I did by myself. I always use a spelling and grammar check before submitting work.
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? That's gonna be a hell yeah!! Dude I got in!!!! Of course I'm going to go!!! I would've chosen Emerson if not, such a great writers college but USC is a dream come true. And beware. If you reject USC, best of luck to you if you ever want to transfer in or attend grad school there. You just don't say no to a school as wonderful as USC.
  5. Is USC your first choice? Yes. So many amazing opportunities.
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? My deadline was a little really on Dec 1st. But yes I submitted like the night it was due, a mere hour before the deadline.

Accepted - Viterbi/Computer Science

Decision Date & Time: (June 29th, 5:19 PST)


[] College transferring from: UC Riverside/CC
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Sophomore?
] GPA: 3.98
[] Units completed: ~90, I took a few CC classes to meet requirements and was also enrolled in cross enrollment in high school.
] Units in progress: 0
[] Pre-reqs completed: I finished all the math courses except Linear Algebra, also finished basic physics.
] GEs completed: 6/8

[] ECs listed on app: Mostly high school ECs: volunteer experience, code club, Marching Band. My new ECs included my involvement a few technical clubs on campus.
] Letters of Recommendation: 2, from my professors at CC
[li] Essays : I wrote about how USC is the only school (that I could find)that has animation available to minor and my interest in research computer graphics. I also talked about when I toured USC. Honestly, my essays were pretty subpar compared to what I put in for my freshman application. However, I did appeal my decision as a freshman. My appeal was a super personel letter addressing the reasons behind my bad gpa. I was still rejected, but I think my improvement from literally failing any STEM classes in high school to aceing them in college helped alot. [/li]
[ list][ b]QUESTIONS:**
1. Were you surprised by the results?
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
I really honed in on the fact that USC is literally the only school where I can pursue what I wanted (CS major and animation minor).
3. Did you have any help with the application?
Yes, my friends looked over it.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?

Accepted - Price/Public Policy - Spring 2021

Decision Date & Time: June 22, 2020 ~ 5pm

  • I was SGR’d in late April, submitted my unofficial transcript as soon as it was available, emailed admissions counselor, and heard back all in the same day.


College transferring from: CCC - Santa Monica College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Nope
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.72
Units completed: 69
Units in progress: I took 11 during the Spring 20’
Pre-reqs completed: 6/8
GEs completed: Not sure, but just about all. Missing one math for sure.

ECs listed on app:
Several, this was intentional on my part, and exhausting/overwhelming at times, but what I felt was needed to stand-out. Lots of student leadership positions both on and off campus - I was involved with several mental health programs/clubs. Was also a student ambassador for the school, and wellness ambassador for the state through the foundation of CCC, as well as a national student advisory committee member for large mental health non-profit. I served on a few committee’s on campus as well.
I volunteered off campus prior to, and during my time at SMC as well with a non-profit that works with children and education, and at the LA LGBT center.

Job/Work Experience: I worked on campus as a greeter at the welcome center - lead tours and answered questions. I also have another part-time job off campus. Previously worked in the entertainment industry.

Essays (subject and responses): I am a non-traditional student who returned to college after taking a decade off. Spoke about that and the reasons I returned. My essays were focused.

Letters of Recommendation: One from club advisor and faculty mentor on campus, one from the program lead of ambassador program at CCC.

Other schools applied to: UCLA, UCB, UCI

  1. Were you surprised by the results? Yeah, kinda. I was admitted into the UC's and committed to UCLA. Put USC on the back-burner for all of May and early June so it was a bit of a surprise when I was notified.
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? Number one is a strong academic showing since returning to school- I was able to maintain a 4.0 since winter of 2019 (38 units). Second was definitely EC's. Third was my background - I've had an interesting journey leading up to the application and knew how to put all of it together to make for a compelling story.
  3. Did you have any help with the application? Yes, I had my academic advisor read over the essays.
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? Not sure, waiting on the financial aid package. I would attend if the money is right because of the trojan alumni network, and small class sizes. These are the main draws for me and what it would take to get over having to further delay my education.
  5. Is USC your first choice? Eh, no. Mostly because there is not a strong transfer community once on campus. USC needs to work on this, badly. If I attend, I will work to change that.
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? Not sure what this question is getting at but I always strive to submit asap. No need to stress about deadlines that way.

@katannaliese01 hey! I’m a prospective usc transfer applicant and I’m thinking about transferring into political science/international relations too. I’d love to read your essays :smiley:

Accepted - Viterbi / Computer Science

July 8th - 5:30PM


[] College transferring from: Santa Monica College
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Sophomore
] GPA: 3.88
[] Units completed: 42
] Pre-reqs completed: All (Calc 1, 2, 3) except Linear Algebra and Physics 22
[] GEs completed: 4/6

[li] Job/Work Experience: Web Application Developer[/li][
] Essays (subject and responses): 10/10 (I hope), I spent a month on these essays and had them proofread. Also rewrote several times. Wrote about how I plan to use programming to make people’s lives easier and how it changed my life (gave me drive, ambition, etc.)
[] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from History Professor, 1 from Employer

] Other schools applied to: None

1. Were you surprised by the results?
Yes, my GPA was a 3.88 after getting one B in Calculus 3 (multi var) during the winter semester and I thought it was over considering how many 4.0 applicants there are.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
Short: Overall I think being ahead in my courses was the thing that pushed me over the edge combined with my essays.
Specifics: Took Calc 1 summer 2019 (right after I graduated high school), Calc 2 fall, and Calc 3 winter. Also completed C++ and Data Structures by skipping C programming.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
Yes, proofreading.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
5. Is USC your first choice?
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
An hour before the deadline (was waiting on a letter of rec)
Good luck to all applicants!

Accepted - undecided
Decision Date & Time: Accepted 7/9/2020

Spring Grade Request - Viterbi 4/16/2020
Winter Grade Request - Viterbi 3/19/2020


[] College transferring from: Pasadena City College
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: TTP and Legacy
[] Entering as: Sophomore
] GPA: 3.6
[] Units completed: 39
] Units in progress: N/A
[] Pre-reqs completed: 3/4
] GEs completed: 3/8

[] ECs listed on app: Eagle Scout, FRC awards, business awards
] Job/Work Experience: N/A
[] Essays (subject and responses): talked about how I created a business plan in high school and wanted to join USC incubator to create my startup. Also talked about how I wanted to attend
] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from Physics professor
[/ul]Other: Probably didn’t get into Viterbi because I didn’t complete some major pre-reqs. I recieved an SGR after WGR because I couldn’t submit my WGR when asked.
[li] Other schools applied to: N/A[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results?
very surprised. USC never received my SGR because my school was unable to process my grades before the SGR deadline so they accepted me based on my Winter grades. Also, I was accepted the same day I submitted my Winter grades. I did really awful in the Spring due to personal circumstances so I’m glad they only used my winter grades.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
Communication is key. I was in constant communication with my USC advisor. Always ask your advisor if you have any questions you can’t find the answer too through a google search.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
Yes, USC is my dream school. I know so many people there and I’m glad I can finally join them.
5. Is USC your first choice?
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? On deadline

Accepted - Dornsife/Political Science

Decision Date & Time: July 10, 5:02 PM.


[] College transferring from: Santa Monica College
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Sophomore
] GPA: 4.0
[] Units completed: 37
] Units in progress: 0
[] Pre-reqs completed: 2/2
] GEs completed: 6/8
[/ul][ b]Subjective:/b

[] ECs listed on app: Work and Highschool Stuff
] Job/Work Experience: Worked part time the whole year
[] Essays (subject and responses):
] Letters of Recommendation: 1 - Econ Teacher
[/ul][ b]Other:[ /b]

[li] Other schools applied to: None [/li]
[/ul][ b]QUESTIONS:**
1. Were you surprised by the results?
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
Grades and Essays
**3. Did you have any help with the application?[ /b]
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
5. Is USC your first choice?
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
Before the deadline.

Accepted - Roski/Fine Arts Major
SGR - Received mid-April and Sent May 29th
**Decision Date & Time: (July 13th at 6:16pm **


[] College transferring from: Sierra College
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Junior
] GPA: 4.0
[] Units completed: 79
] Units in progress: 3
[] Pre-reqs completed: Not sure
] GEs completed: I did all that they listed on their Transfer Planning Guide

[] ECs listed on app: Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Communications Officer, Art Education Internship, Sunday school teacher, I made an art positivity committee within PTK where we volunteered by doing painting classes for senior living facilities, did a de-stress art therapy event for students, and used chalk to write positive messages on the school sidewalk area
] Job/Work Experience: Small business owner (selling handmade creations), worked in Ceramic Studio, Lifeguarded, and Makeup Artist
[] Essays (subject and responses): I talked about how I applied to USC as a senior in high school but upon rejection and attending a junior college, my perspective changed and I was thankful for the extra time I got to spend with family and stuff. I also talked about my experiences traveling and how it has made me open-minded, a trait that I would bring with me to USC’s campus.
] Letters of Recommendation: One from my PTK Club Advisor, one from an art professor, and another from my high school art teacher

[li] Other schools applied to: Rejected from UCLA, Stanford, Columbia, Cornell and Accepted from UC Davis and UC Irvine[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results?
YES!! After waiting so long I lost hope and I got rejected from a lot of other schools so I set my expectations low.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
I think my portfolio probably got me in since I am an art major.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
Not a whole lot, just some feedback from some friends and family.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
I am still deciding. Financial Aid would influence my decision a lot since the price is my drawback for attending.
5. Is USC your first choice?
Yes! USC is my dream school!
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or passed the deadline?
My high school transcript arrived before the deadline but my junior college transcript arrived a few days after the deadline.

Spring Grade Request - Marshall/Business Administration
Accepted - Marshall/Business Administration

SGR received: Tuesday April 28, 2020 4:23 PM PST
Decision Date & Time: Tuesday July 6, 2020 5:49 PM PST


[]College transferring from: Santa Monica College
]Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Neither
[]Entering as: Sophomore
]GPA: 3.79 (applied with)/ 3.91 (after SGR submitted)
[]Units completed: 33 (14 fall; 5 winter; 14 spring)
]Units in progress: 3 (summer 2020)
[]Pre-reqs completed: Completed all Pre-Reqs (Bus Math/Eng completed over spring)
]GEs completed: 3/8 (Categories A, B, & F)

[]ECs listed on app: Business Rotaract Club, Adelente Program, Scholars’ Program, and some typical sports EC’s from HS
]Job/Work Experience: Some HS work at fast food jobs, relative bookkeeping experience, and played competitive video games for money.
[]Essays (subject and responses): Wrote about my transformation throughout my first semester at SMC and how I have drastically improved from my 2.9/3.1ish GPA in HS. Also wrote about my passion for video games and how that translates to what I want to do in the future. Wrote about why I am ready to take on USC coursework, if accepted, and why I want to go to usc lol. (9.5/10).
]Letters of Recommendation: Submitted 1 from Accounting Prof (got really close with him and ranked high/finished with over 100% in the class). 10/10 recommendation.
Other schools applied to: None; USC or bust
1. Were you surprised by the results?
I was more proud of myself than surprised. I knew that if I worked hard and focused for one year, I could transfer to my dream school in one year. Even with my extremely average SAT and 3.0 gpa in HS, I still knew I did everything I could to make a kick ass application and it paid off.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
Grades were one part of the puzzle for me, but my biggest strength had to be the theme that I had to my essays. One thing that I regret doing in HS was applying to uni’s with a sob- story type of essay. It got me into most of the uni’s I applied to, but not the top-tier ones (hence the CC for one year and transferring to USC the next). I showcased my passion for video games as well as how I matured throughout my semester at SMC to always strive to be better. I also really think that since my intended major is Accounting, the LOR from my Accounting Prof had to be really kick-ass since I got really close with him over the semester and ranked top 2 out of all his classes (first was this girl that goes to USC lol).
3. Did you have any help with the application?
No, just one last minute peer review an hour before I submitted. However, I did do a lot of research on how to be sucessful in CC from YT (shoutout to Kendrick Rhee) and sooo much research on how to create a perfect application to USC.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
Absolutely, been envisioning it since the first day of CC.
5. Is USC your first choice?
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
The day of the deadline. 11:59 PM PST was the deadline and I submitted around 10ish PM PST.

Honestly, just do the best you can for grades but don’t stress out too much. USC looks for improvement, I’m a good example. They are accepting you, not your grades. Of course, however, your grades are a strong indication of your work ethic… but not the whole story. That’s why you have to express yourself as much as you can through the essays. Literally had friends clowning me for writing about silly stuff on my essays and one of my essays was dedicated about video games. Not even a deeper meaning to how I found myself through gaming or how it got me out of depression or anything; Literally just my love of video games and how I was on a competitive team to make money. Also my short answers were pretty goofy, but that’s just who I am… I won class clown in high school (slight goofy flex). Anyways, do your research, work hard (play hard :smiley: ), have a theme that will inevitably tie back to what you want to do in the future (and how USC could help you pursue that where nowhere can), and just keep calm. I’m really passionate about my career path and how I can utilize USC’s resources to help me achieve those goals and I can’t wait to be in-person on campus. I hope to see you there too. So just keep calm. Seriously, you’ll be fine. If my goofy ass can do it, you can too.

P.S. - I also wanted to get in just so I can say this cringey-ass phrase: FTFO ;).