USC 2020-2021 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY

Accepted - Marshall/Business Admin. SPRING ADMIT

May 22, 2020 5:25 pm (FILL IN THE BLANK)


[] College transferring from: LMU
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Sophomore
] GPA: 3.93
[] Units completed: 33
] Units in progress: none during summer
[] Pre-reqs completed: Writing and Biz Calc for Marshall, Got A’s in both which probably helped.
] GEs completed: not sure yet
[/ul][ b]Subjective:/b

[] ECs listed on app: Any intramural, clubs, hobbies, sports in high school
] Job/Work Experience: Jobs throughout high school, Volunteer Work in college
[] Essays (subject and responses): Proved why I would fit in to Marshall specifically
] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from my rhetoric professor
[/ul][ b]Other:**

[li] Other schools applied to: none[/li]
[/ul][ b]QUESTIONS:**
1. Were you surprised by the results?
yes and no, was very nervous for sure.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
My GPA and my ESSAYS. Essays were my chance to prove why I deserved to go to USC. Research USC values, Research your major, and research some more. The write your essay explaining why you would fit well with the things your research. Ask yourself what USC is going to do for you!

3. Did you have any help with the application?

4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
Yes, dreamed of it

5. Is USC your first choice?

6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
On time = Early!

Please reach out to me for help or if you want me to clarify anything. I know how stressful this process is. Best of luck to future applicants and those still waiting for a decision.

Fight On.

Accepted - Dornsife- Sociology

Decision Date & Time: May 21, 2020 @ 6:26PM


College transferring from:  University of Colorado Denver (UCD) 
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Nope! Neither. 
Entering as: Junior 
GPA: 3.9
Units completed: 32 credits (school was on semester) 
Units in progress: 12 
Pre-reqs completed: all required for my major 
GEs completed: 7/8


ECs listed on app: peer mentor, officer for 2 clubs
Job/Work Experience: 2 years of a full time retail job
Essays (subject and responses): 6/10 lmao i really dont know how i got in
Letters of Recommendation: none! i was honestly scared for this but i didnt have time to ask any professors


Other schools applied to: just USC!


  1. Were you surprised by the results?
    yes. i submitted the application 15 mins before the deadline. got no recs. no one read my essays. it was a long shot but i regret nothing!
  1. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? good gpa, unique essays that really captured my experience at my old university and why i needed to leave.
  2. Did you have any help with the application? nope! didnt tell anyone i was applying bc i was scared of being rejected
  3. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? i am planning to attend right after i receive my financial aid package.
  4. Is USC your first choice? yes, its my dream school
  5. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? submitted the app on the deadline and had an officer ask me for additional high school materials. as long as you try to gather materials before you should be good!

Fight On!!!

Accepted- Dornslife/Biochemistry, Pre-Med Emphasis

Decision Date & Time: 5/23


College transferring from: Cal State Uni (not specifying)
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.5 (when applied), Still waiting for Spring Semester grades
Units completed: Between 50-60
Units in progress: 17
Pre-reqs completed: All pre-reqs completed except a bio course
GEs completed: 6/8

ECs listed on app: hospital volunteer, pre-med club
Job/Work Experience: None
Essays (subject and responses): Just talked about why USC is right for me
Letters of Recommendation: None

Other schools applied to: CSULB (accepted)

  1. Were you surprised by the results? Yes, I didn't think my GPA was high enough
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? My essays for sure!
  3. Did you have any help with the application? My friend reviewed my essays for me
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? Yup!
  5. Is USC your first choice? Yes
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?I submitted all required materials before the deadline.

[ color=green][ b]Accepted - DORNSIFE/ECONOMICS [ /b][ /color]

[ b]Stats:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] College transferring from: 4- Year Private Jesuit College
[ *] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No/No
[ *] Entering as: Sophomore
[ *] GPA: 4.0 (all As)
[ *] Units completed: 34
[ *] Units in progress: 7 in the Summer
[ *] Pre-reqs completed: I don’t know exactly how many GEs were done but I completed the math and writing requirements.
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): Wasn’t tio confident in my essays but I guess it did the job.
[ *] Letters of Recommendation: One from my economics professor
[ *] Other schools applied to: None

[ /list][ b]QUESTIONS:[ /b]
[ b]1. Were you surprised by the results?[ /b]
I guess that I was kind of surprised but I was still very confident given my stats.
Answer here
[ b]2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?[ /b]
I applied as a freshman with horrendous grades and, obviously, didn’t get in. I think that this upward trend in my grades were the main reason behind my acceptance.
[ b]3. Did you have any help with the application?[ /b]
[ b]4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?[ /b]
Yes! A thousand times yes!
[ b]5. Is USC your first choice?[ /b]
It is my dream school!
[ b]6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?[ /b]
By the deadline!

If you weren’t accepted, don’t be discouraged. There is still next year! Fight On!

Accepted - Price - Real Estate Development Major (NO SGR) Spring 2021

Decision Date & Time: 05/22/2020 5:18 PM

College transferring from: Santa Monica College (SMC)
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Neither
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.71 (3.68 when I submitted my application)
Units Completed: 50 semester units
Units in Progress: 10 semester units (but I had 13 when I started the semester and dropped calc 2 when I got accepted as it was required for Marshall, not price)
Pre-reqs completed: All
GEs completed: 6/8 (just sciences to complete)
ECs Listed on App:
Some community service work (nothing compared to some of my fellow applicants), A few minor businesses that I started young and a social media platform that I grew to be relatively large)
Job/Work Experience:
I worked with a real estate agent and learned to ropes of RE hands on so that was a big factor in me being accepted in my opinion.
Essays (subject and responses):
9.5/10 if I was being modest but I honestly believe my essays are what really drove my acceptance. If I’m also being honest I only started writing my essay a week before the due date but in that week I spent hours writing and correcting every little detail. I wrote it entirely myself but I did allow my parents to proof read it incase there was something that they thought could use changing (its always good to get a second opinion).
Letter of Recommendation:
I worked with a real estate agent/company owner and from what I was told he wrote me a fantastic letter of recommendation. I also asked my calc teacher who I had a great relationship with.
Other schools applied to:
Accepted to all the schools I applied to — USD and NYU (both for the real estate program)


  1. Were you surprised by the results?
    Uhhhm yes I guess you could say that. I had prepared myself for months to not get accepted and so when I was, it definitely surprised me.
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
    My essay and my LOR. I had relatively average, if not below average, grades and so I believe it was my essays and LOR’s that got me accepted.
  3. Did you have any help with the application?
    I completed everything myself but I did allow my parents to look over my main essay.
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
    100% but I am going to be starting in spring.
  5. Is USC your first choice?
    Without any doubt in my mind. I told myself 3 years ago (after literally being kicked out of high school for bad grades) that I was going to turn it around and start fresh in college. I never would have thought that I would be where I’m at now (literally accepted to al the schools I applied for) but hard work really does pay off.
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
    I literally submitted it on Feb 1 (the last day to submit applications) because I had no idea it was going to take me as long as it did so if your reading this I advise you start earlier then me lool.

Congrats everybody, our hard work payed off. Time to celebrate! And for those not accepted, I’m truly sorry, I know we all wanted it bad and hopefully you can stick it to them in the future and let them know what a disastrous mistake they made not accepting you. Wish you all the best.

Fight On!

Spring Grade Request - Dornsife / Psychology

May 22 & 7:19pm

[ *] College transferring from: University of Northern Iowa
[ *] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[ *] Entering as: A sophomore
[ *] GPA: UNI GPA: 3.8 / CUM GPA: 3.56 (Took college classes in high school)
[ *] Units completed: 60
[ *] Units in progress: -
[ *] Pre-reqs completed: All (Just intro to psych, and intro to stat)
[ *] GEs completed: I don’t know, maybe 3 or 4?
[ *] ECs listed on app: Academic Decathlon (in high school, placed second as a team nationally and second individually nationally). Created a club my freshman year of college, was the secretary of it. Volunteered for a presidential campaign in free time.
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Worked for three years at a fast food restaurant, worked 20 hours a week during freshman year of college.
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): Personal statement: talked about my first trip to LA and how ambition and being discontent is encouraged, whereas in Iowa it is frowned upon. I talked about how my parents taught me that empathy is the best trait someone could have. In my second essay question I talked about my other interests outside of psychology (how I really like languages and could see myself being a linguist). Tbh, in my essays I just was honest and acknowledged that I’m only 19 and I am overly ambitious, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to accomplish my goals.

Letters of Recommendation: My Academic Decathlon coach from high school. I was on the team for two years and he saw my transformation from a shy/awkward junior to a bright/comedic senior who was an essential part of the team. We spent countless hours together as a team, so he knows me better than any teacher or professor would. Plus since it was only a year ago, I don’t think it was too long ago to be irrelevant.

[ *] Other schools applied to: Just USC, planned on applying to other schools, but I didn’t really care about them enough.

[ b]1. Were you surprised by the results?
For sure. I could think of reasons why I could get in, but when they sent me a SGR, I had a feeling I would get in, but I still didn’t want to get my hopes up. Before I got the SGR I thought it was a longshot.
[ b]2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
I think getting second place at a national competition did it for me. I worked my ass off and got four medals. It happened in April 2019, so it was long after application season.
[ b]3. Did you have any help with the application?
No, it sounds bad but I did it in one sitting.

[ b]4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
Yes? It depends on financial aid. My EFC is like $300, so I expect a lot of aid, but I don’t want to take out $10,000 a year in loans just for room and board.

[ b]5. Is USC your first choice?
Yes for the schools I wanted to apply to this year. I really wanted to apply to UCLA, but this was my freshman year.

[ b]6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
No I think I sent in some of them late. My high school transcript got sent in like a month after I submitted the rest of my application.

Accepted - Dornsife/Psychology for Fall 2020
Decision Date & Time: (May 27 - 8:00PM EST)


[] SGR?: I received SGR April 15, sent in grades about two weeks ago, and heard today
] College transferring from: Went to top LAC first year, then out of state CC this year
[] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No to both
] Entering as: Junior
[] GPA: 3.5 at LAC, 4.0 at Community College - I guess 3.75? lol
] Units completed: 47 units
[] Units in progress: 15 units
] Pre-reqs completed: All except English, but they waived it for me!
[] GEs completed: I am going to say most of them, not 100% sure

] ECs listed on app: I honestly have a LOT of ECs, but I will list the main ones/my favorites! I am a Service Learning Scholar at my CC which is this really competitive program. I was chosen out of a HUGE applicant pool; me and 5 other students at my CC work together on community service projects and just help the college flourish in general. It is honestly amazing and so much fun. I am also on the student advisory board for a national scholarship for women. At school, I have leadership positions in a few clubs like NJ Stars Club and Marketing Club. At my old LAC, I was on a bunch of different dance teams, and my friends and I co-founded a Figure Skating Club together our first year! :slight_smile: Today it is still thriving, and we were able to build such a strong connection that all current and future students will be able to get a 50% discount on admission any time! I’ve also been invited to a lot of different conferences related to careers and diversity.
[] Job/Work Experience: These last two semesters, I was juggling 2 unpaid part time internships as well as working at two part time jobs to earn more money for my family. It was a lot, but I wanted as much marketing experience as possible. This summer, I also secured another internship.
] Essays (subject and responses): I wrote about how I am a self-taught dancer, and how this Australian show I used to watch when I was younger inspired me to continue dancing even though I cannot afford classes. I also REALLY liked my short answers. My Why USC essay could have been better, but I was just starting to learn how to properly write a “This School” essay.
[] Letters of Recommendation: Two. One from a writing professor at my LAC and one from my community service advisor at my CC.

[ul] If it helps, I am also a first-generation, low-income minority student! I worked extremely to get to this point in my life.
] Other schools applied to: a BUNCH of other schools; I got rejected by a lot of them and learned how to improve my applications along the way, but so far I have gotten into Vanderbilt, Boston University, Boston College, and Rutgers!!!

1. Were you surprised by the results? YES!!! I am SHOOK. I didn’t finish English since my LAC didn’t offer English Comp courses, but I am so blessed that it was waived.

2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? Easily my extracurriculars and letters of recommendation. I really love to talk to people and build meaningful connections. AND PLEASE READ THIS: I also sent in my extra letter of recommendation along with my spring grades and I am so sure that LOR really got me in. Please do not take the LOR option for granted; it might change everything. My essays were pretty good too. However, even though admissions didn’t look at my score, my SAT was trash! Don’t let test scores get to you either!

3. Did you have any help with the application? Not really. I was supported emotionally though!

4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? If the aid is enough, absolutely!

5. Is USC your first choice? YES!!! The more I researched it, the more I fell in love.

6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? Yes I did! Everything arrived on time except one of my transcripts lol.

[ color=green][ b]Accepted - Price/Public Policy [ /b][ /color]
[ color=orange][ b]Spring Grade Request - Price/ Public Policy April 15 submitted on May 22 [ /b][ /color
[ color=blue][ b] May 27, 2020 & 5:20 PM[ /b][ /color]

[ b]Stats:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] College transferring from: Chaffey College
[ *] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[ *] Entering as: Junior
[ *] GPA: 3.4
[ *] Units completed: 45
[ *] Units in progress: N/A
[ *] Pre-reqs completed: Yes, Math and Econ
[ *] GEs completed: All Completed
[ /list][ b]Subjective: /b
[ list]
[ *] ECs listed on app: Army and City volunteer work
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Army Reservist and I am appointed to a City Commission
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): I wrote about my time at community college and the sacrifices that occurred as well as how and what attending USC would be to me. For the essay on understanding you I wrote about my experience in the military. The final essay on why USC specifically I wrote about how my city work and major were connected and went in-depth with Price specifically.
[ *] Letters of Recommendation: 1 City Contact for my appointed position
[ /list][ b]Other:[ /b]
[ list]
[ *] Other schools applied to: USC OR BUST

[ /list][ b]QUESTIONS:[ /b]
[ b]1. Were you surprised by the results?[ /b]
YES, OMG I was confident in so many things but my overall GPA made me nervous compared to everyone else having 3.7+
[ b]2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?[ /b]
I think my military service made a big difference in making my application stand out.
[ b]3. Did you have any help with the application?[ /b]
[ b]4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?[ /b]
[ b]5. Is USC your first choice?[ /b]
[ b]6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?[ /b]
Submitted everything on time but when I noticed things were not coming up on the portal I made sure I called since Jan-Feb is a busy time for them.

In conclusion, this one is dedicated to whoever is up at 2 am reading these losing their mind. I have been where you are and keep pushing even if nobody’s watching. God’s Plan :slight_smile:


Decision Date & Time: 27th May, 5pm


[] College transferring from: American University of Paris
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Yes, both.
[] Entering as: Sophomore
] GPA: 3.91
[] Units completed: 32
] Units in progress: 0
[] Pre-reqs completed: 3/5
] GEs completed: 5/8

Accepted - Dornslife Political science

Decision Date: May 27


[] Community college in cali
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Sophomore?
] GPA: 4.0
[] Units completed: 28
] Units in progress: 12
[] Pre-reqs completed: all polsc pre-reqs (2 in progress)
] GEs completed: 7/8

[] ECs listed on app: tutoring
] Job/Work Experience: none
[] Essays (subject and responses): I honestly don’t remember what I wrote.
] Letters of Recommendation: none

[li] Other schools applied to: none[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results?
Yes. I was losing hope after the long wait time and not getting an SGR as a sophomore applicant also worried me a bit.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
I really did my research on the school and the specific major I was applying to. My answer for the questions like “what’s your favorite food” and stuff were also pretty interesting, at least in my opinion.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
Nope. Didn’t want to tell anyone I was applying in case I got rejected.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
I would love to, but I’m thinking of majoring in biological sciences. Until I’m sure I’ll be able to major in some science, I will attend USC. Also waiting on the financial aid package.
5. Is USC your first choice?
Only school I applied to.
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
Before the deadline. I actually sent everything twice by accident before the deadline haha.

I guess you missed the memo where it said remove all the spaces.
Hahaaaa - :smiley:
Congratulations on your admission tho!

Accepted - Viterbi/Engineering - Fall 2020

Decision Date & Time: May 21 5PM

Update on status, since I can’t edit my [original post](USC 2020-2021 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY - #2 by Efficacy28 - University of Southern California - College Confidential Forums). I got an SGR before, but my CC doesn’t submit final grades 'til mid-June. So, I didn’t even get a chance to submit my spring grades before I was accepted, which made me wonder why I got an SGR in the first place. I hope I get info on financial aid before the commit deadline because I got accepted into UCLA as well, and I want to weigh my options.

Accepted: Dorns Life College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Human Biology

No Spring Grade Request

Decision Date & Time: May 27th around 8:15

College transferring from: NC Community College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.85
SAT: 1240
Race: Asian Male

Pre-reqs completed: No idea cause my friend told me to apply lol
GEs completed: I think so
ECs listed on app: Lots!
Essays (subject and responses): Great essays IMO
Letters of Recommendation: 2

Other schools applied to:
Accepted: Emory, UNC, Grinell, NCSU, UVA (waitlisted then accepted)
Waitlisted: Vanderbilt


  1. Were you surprised by the results? Yes, I somehow was named a Transfer Merit Scholar but I think my EC and essays is what got me in and get this
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? GPA, essay, EC
  3. Did you have any help with the application? Nope. All bymself while I was at Starbucks with my friend
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? Maybe but it is quite far away as im from NC.
  5. Is USC your first choice? Idk; I don't particularly have a top choice
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? Submitted way before the deadline. (Around Early Feb)

Accepted - Dornsife Biological Science B.S. (Spring)

Decision Date & Time: 5/27/2020 5:03 PM


  • [] College transferring from: CCC
    ] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Nope for both
    [] Entering as: Sophomore? But more like a junior because I have a ton of credits from AP/College courses taken concurrently in High School
    ] GPA: 3.8
    [] Units completed: 21
    ] Units in progress: 15
    [] Pre-reqs completed: English and Math
    ] GEs completed: 6/8


  • [] ECs listed on app: like 10–15 ECs listed, from internships to volunteer work, club leadership, instruments, and more. It was prolly overkill ngl.
    ] Job/Work Experience: Some work in retail during HS.
    [] Essays (subject and responses): Pretty good, 9/10s. They were very strong and conveyed my intentions behind key choices such as taking the CHSPE (took before senior year), purpose for wanting to join USC, and what I could bring to the school.
    ] Letters of Recommendation: 1 from a bio professor who loved me.


  • Other schools applied to: None. I applied as a sophomore so it wasn’t my full round of apps and I didn’t really care if I didn’t get in, because I knew I could always apply for all the schools I want to ad a junior.

1. Were you surprised by the results?
Not really.
2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
Grades, academic record (especially during high school—6AP exams, mid 1500s SAT) and ECs related to my major.
3. Did you have any help with the application?
A little bit, just had some family read over my essays.
4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
5. Is USC your first choice?
It was my only choice for this round of apps lol.
6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
They arrived like 2 days after the deadline, but they were mailed before the deadline and I submitted my app on the deadline.

Accepted - Business Administration (Spring)

Decision Date & Time: 6/1/2020 5:20 PM

College transferring from: California Community College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: TTP: No. Legacy: Yes
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.5
Units completed: 97
Units in progress: 17
Pre-reqs completed: English and Math
GEs completed: 8/8 (1 in progress)

ECs listed on app: Played on a sports team at my CC, Honors society, , some volunteer work, one club
Job/Work Experience: 2 part time jobs throughout college
Essays (subject and responses): Very good. Talked about my journey and my major. Focused on specific programs at USC and what I wanted to achieve. Proofread by several people.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from a USC alum who is my employer

Other schools applied to: Accepted to: LSU, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, UCI, University of Houston, University of Hawaii
Rejected: Georgetown, UCLA, Berkeley
Still waiting: U of Washington, UT Austin, U of Oregon, Tulane, Vanderbilt

  1. Were you surprised by the results?
    Yes, my GPA is not the strongest
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in?
    Upward trend in grades, good essays, strong EC’s
  3. Did you have any help with the application?
    I had an experienced college essay reader help me
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not?
    Not sure yet, still waiting on a lot of schools
  5. Is USC your first choice?
    USC or Georgetown were my top choices
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline?
    Yes submitted on the deadline and I sent in my winter term grades as well. Fight on!

If USC only lets 60 units transfer aren’t you going to loose a full year of course work?

Accepted - Fall 2020 USC SCA Film and Television Production

Decision Date & Time: 6/02/2020 5:25 PM

College transferring from: CCC
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Nope for both
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.85
Units completed: 65
Units in progress: 15
Pre-reqs completed: all except foreign language

ECs listed on app: volunteer work, writing contest, film festival
Job/Work Experience: Some work
Essays (subject and responses): Not a conventional essay. create a bipolar personality to discuss myself in the 3rd person
Letters of Recommendation: 3, 1 from an old retire friend, 1 from journalistic professor, 1 from english professor.

Other schools applied to: UCLA (accepted), Berkeley (accepted), Northridge (rejected), Chapman (accepted), UCI (accepted) , Long Beach (accepted)

  1. Were you surprised by the results? I was surprised because I didn’t get an interview or SGR. I just paid deposit for Chapman yesterday, and today I heard from my dream school USC.
  1. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? My essays. I know that the film school put a lot of emphasis on creative, so I spent a lot of time on the essay portions. Also, my recommendations were stellar too. My GPA is probably not as strong as others. Grades, academic record (especially during high school—3AP exams, 1450 SAT), 3.85 at community college
  2. Did you have any help with the application? No.
  3. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? Absolutely yes. It is the number 1 film school in the world.
  4. Is USC your first choice? Yes
  5. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? I submitted my app and transcript on the deadline.

good luck to everyone who are still waiting.

1 Like

Accepted - Real Estate Development (Spring Admit)

Received SGR April 28th

Decision Date & Time: 5/29/20 after 5:00 pm PST


College transferring from: California CC
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.92
Units completed: 51
Units in progress: 0 (just finished 9 in spring)
Pre-reqs completed: Microeconomics and Statistics. Those were the only ones possible at my CC.
GEs completed: 6/8.

ECs listed on app: Philanthropic causes, Music Production, Investing
Job/Work Experience: Internships in the development field and insurance
Essays (subject and responses): Explained how I left USD with a presidential scholarship because the course work did not align with my fascination of understanding the whole development process.
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from my communication teacher. Sent after I got a SGR to pad my app and offer a new perspective.

Other schools applied to: LMU, SMU, USD, UDENVER. (Really didn’t want to go to any of these) it was USC or nothing in my mind

  1. Were you surprised by the results? Yes and no. I was surprised in the reason that it is such a dream to go but I really believed what I had to offer and how I performed.
  2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? I don't think there was any one area, I was well rounded for USCs holistic approach.
  3. Did you have any help with the application? I had a family friend read over them.
  4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? 100%.
  5. Is USC your first choice? No doubt. Been wanting to attend USC since middle school.
  6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? I submitted common app two days before and transcripts were postmarked before deadline.

If USC only lets 60 units transfer aren’t you going to loose a full year of course work?

Accepted - Marshall School of Business/Business Administration

Decision Date & Time: 6/9/2020 at 5 p.m pst


[] College transferring from: Bakersfield College
] Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
[] Entering as: Most likely a junior
] GPA: 4.0
[] Units completed: 42 in college; 24 Units from AP Tests
] Pre-reqs completed: Calculus and English completed in summer/fall
[li] GEs completed: 6/8 completed in fall, 8/8 completed by spring [/li]

[] ECs listed on app: Started my own business
] Job/Work Experience: Part/full time Line Cook
[] Essays (subject and responses): On the common app essay, I talked about leaving my comfort zone with starting a business and how that extends to leaving my community college for university. On my “whats something you are passionate about” essay , I wrote about my passion for tracking the box office and how I plan to further pursue that passion at USC. On my “why usc” essay, I wrote about the McNair institute, academic flexibility, and its global approach.
] Letters of Recommendation: 1 very strong LOR from my high school econ/virtual business teacher
[li] Other schools applied to: None[/li]
1. Were you surprised by the results? I kept myself ready for disappointment, so my acceptance was a huge surprise. Even though my stats are pretty good, I had a really good application in high school that was rejected.

2. What do you think was your biggest strength/what got you in? Completed my GEs with speed and received all As.

3. Did you have any help with the application? No

4. Are you going to attend? Why or why not? Yes, USC has always been my dream school.

5. Is USC your first choice? The one and only

6. Did you submit/did the materials (transcripts, etc.) arrive on, before, or the deadline? On the deadline.

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