***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@WWWard Congrats, how did she find out about Emory? Because I applied there too.

@egga a few spring admits will end up getting accepted for fall but not many

@AeeROx Thanks!

It was actually a little strange. A few days ago, they emailed her saying that decisions would be available online tomorrow at 6pm Eastern. Then tonight they emailed her about why she should want to live and learn in Atlanta. We thought that was strange and potentially rude if they were about to reject her tomorrow. But then within ten minutes of the first email, she got a second saying that they wanted to let her know early that she was admitted.

And the portal still hasn’t updated and will not until 6pm tomorrow, according to that email.

Good luck with your application there… and to USC…

@Chips99 Just from watching some USC videos from youtubers who were admitted spring admit, one of the main disadvantages is it’s harder to become integrated with the community. Everyone’s already found groups of friends and joined certain clubs.

can’t find it :confused:
this thread is huge sorry

I just checked my financial status and a new form has popped up on the required documents list. Does this mean acceptance? Thanks!

Hi guys, a few weeks ago USC sent my son a FAST link. I didn’t think much of it because we didn’t hear back from admissions yet. Oddly enough, today I clicked the link and made the account. When I finished making the account, it already had USC as the school that he is attending. Do you think this means he has gotten in? I know it says they send financial aid to all perspective students, but do they really?

No one knows for sure if any of these alleged hints mean anything. Just sit back and wait! The anticipation is worth it once you see that big white box…

The let down will be so much worse when I don’t get the big white box lol

Be optimistic

I’m trying my best haha @teddyh

these next 48 hours are going to move so slowly… AHHH

im so nervous about my decision!!! i know im not gonna be happy if i go to a school thats not usc because i tend to hold grudges and i dont like “settling for less” :frowning:

Did anyone else Financial aid eligibility status have citizenship tab and satisfactory academic progress tab? when you check your financial aid status? was the second tab always there???

@mom3boyz under eligibility checks I think the academic progress tab is new…however, my financial aid status still shows application in review…

Wishing you all good news - get some sleep tonight and pay attention in class tomorrow - but it’s almost here! Wooohoooo! No matter where you end up - Fight On!

@lizardrock any indications

Just noticed USC has a place to submit mid term grades through the portal. I never received an email or anything to do this online. Were we expected to do this or is it fine if my counselor just submitted my transcript on common app?

@mom3boyz nope! Friday can’t come soon enough :slight_smile:

One more time for the people in the cheap seats:

They are mailing tomorrow - wooohoooo - they should post the pic of them leaving in bins on USC admissions twitter and /or facebook.

Last year, the first package was received at 10am the following day in socal (would be Friday).

If pattern holds true again this year, PORTALS will update just after midnight PST Sunday morning (Saturday night after midnight). Rejection is a letter in the current messages I believe.

They give 2 full days AFTER the day it is sent, then update after midnight.

The Portal will update to look like this for those accepted:

IgotintoUSC across the top

Admission Decision
Enrollment Commitment Deposit
Withdraw Your Application
Submit Documents

Financial Aid
Apply for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Summary & Tasks (FAST) page

On-Campus Admitted Student Programs
Explore USC
Preview USC
Admitted Student Day
Campus tours

Off-Campus Admitted Student Programs

Apply for Housing

They mail rejections and acceptances at the same time. However, the acceptance packages are sent priority mail (faster), while rejections are thin white letter size envelopes sent regular first class mail (slower), USUALLY arriving a day after acceptances. However, many rejections were received that first day after they were mailed (Friday) in socal at the same time acceptances were received.


Internationals are sent DHL - some getting to their destination by day 2 - Saturday. The rest can check portal before package arrives.

If I recall correctly, financial aid didn’t start rocking out until almost 2 weeks after acceptances. That is another waiting game. But first things first, let the acceptances roll…