***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@baldwinhamilton No one knows for sure

Before the real madness starts, I want to say the best thing about this forum is how supportive you are all to each other. Whether you end up at USC (and I hope you do) or wherever, you seem like a great group of young people to lead this country someday. Wishing you all the best - Fight On!

Are people who applied before the scholarship deadline given any sort of priority in the general admission process? Kinda like deferred EA applicants?

@anaheim Don’t read too much into it. I haven’t seen a clear consensus anywhere so I wouldn’t worry, so it’s most likely the paranoia and anxiety.

@anaheim The littlest changes set people off on a goose chase.

@baldwinhamilton Yes I did apply to SCA :slight_smile: best of luck to you too!!!

@filmstudent2 Awesome! Fight on!

@baldwinhamilton It started about 100 pages back. People were asking when decisions would be mailed or when portals would update and the question had just been answered like three posts back! So we made it a virtual drinking game. The tracking question is another chug leader. I’ve been drunk for days, @filmstudent2 has had gallons of apple juice, cause he (or she) is not 21. :smiley:

@baldwinhamilton It just means that there’s a heavy interest, so it is likely a more competitive field of applicants.

@CADREAMIN Agreed. Everyone on here deserves acceptance.

@Chips99 None at all. Everyone finds out at the same time. USC is old-school like that.

@USCfroshkid Damn. Well, sticking to my guns: admissions isn’t up to us, and we’ve all done everything we can do, so we just have to wait.

@CADREAMIN I’m actually a girl lol :wink: but yes dying of apple juice poisoning

@USCfroshkid how much interest does annenberg usually get? I always hear mixed rumors about it

Throwing this out there: anyone down for setting up an IRC chat or some kind of group chat? I’m gonna be on vacation for the next week but I’d still love to hear from you guys even if I am away from my laptop. Just an idea.

@CADREAMIN You have described that if accepted, the entire portal changes to reflect that. So, do they also email a new message which would need to appear as a new current message also within the portal, replacing the no scholarship message? I.E. - do you recall if the changes that some are indicating… message staying as current vs moving to history - means anything based on the past? I personally do not recall people discussing it back in 2014.

@lp415306 VERY well regarded communications school according to my aspiring journalist friend who applied this year. Very tough to get in.

k great awesome love that

@lp415306 believe me I know what you are feeling. SCA is the most legendary film school IN THE WORLD. I’ve got no shot but I believe in you. Best of luck

Does it bother anyone else when people say USC is their safety? And then we are all over here stressing out over the message thing

thanks gurl i believe in you too <3 got rejected from medill at northwestern after getting deferred ED so my confidence is just not at its highest lol @filmstudent2