***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Wait did someone from philly say they got in or did I read that wrong. Is it possible for priority mail to come to Philly from LA that quickly?

@AliMHMD I also applied for a BFA in Film and got the interview a while back. What’s this you hear about phone calls? Haven’t heard about them, and I haven’t gotten one

I know you guys are tired of hearing this and will probably “chug,” but my no scholarship message moved into message history in the past 15 MINUTES. I literally checked it 15 mins ago and it was a current message. Lord help us lol

@RoonilWazlib99 we only chug for questions :wink: scroll up and read CADREAMIN’s post about how the message is meaningless

Also, who is so bored with their life that they gain pleasure out of trolling anxious high school seniors and parents of seniors on a college forum. You trolls need to find some new hobbies lol

@roonilwazlib100 AHHAHAHAH agreed

I actually wonder what it’s like to be an admissions officer… so much power.

@roonilwazlib100 check post #3141 above. Curious on your user name - when I typed it in I see there are three that start with roonilwaslib - I am trying to figure it out like reading custom CA license plates - does that mean something? I may be a little dense here!

@CADREAMIN Apparently it’s a Harry Potter thing

@CADREAMIN glad you asked hahah! it’s a harry potter reference. Ron Weasley, Harry’s best friend, buys a magical spell-checking quill and the magic was wearing off after so much use that it spelled his name as “Roonil Wazlib.” It was a whole scene and was definitely a lot funnier than the way i’m explaining it but here’s the little quote:

post #4

Oh ya! Now I remember - it was eating at me! Thanks, so now I can remain cool and hip. Although saying that out loud probably makes me not cool and not hip. :slight_smile:

ACCEPTED!! ASCJ, Journalism major. I live in Los Angeles :slight_smile:

Mail arrived in Riverside, CA. Nothing from USC. Probably not a good sign! Did interview for Town and Gown Scholarship, for whatever that is worth.
Did get white envelope from UCSD today. Daughter accepted 11 of 11, only one left is USC. Was accepted UCLA. Most likely will go to the University of Miami with Singer Scholarship (full tuition).

@SoCal11 wow-11/11–that’s fantastic! Congrats to your daughter!

As always, thanks @CADREAMIN

@filmstudent2021 CC may be confidential, but at least the posts are not anonymous as to what you have posted elsewhere. It is fairly easy to ID the trolls & connect the dots by seeing what they have posted on other threads. They are not even usually clever enough to stay consistent. This effort to seek out and identify the trolls should not be necessary. CC should identify the users who mislead or lie intentionally and simply banish them. But you are right… why do they even bother? If your life is that sad and pathetic that you have to aim to stress out others online, you really need therapy of some sort.

Luckily, most users here on CC are on the website for the right reasons…

@unidreamer2021 what are your stats? I applied for journalism too! I’m so nervous!

For those that are accepted, congratulations! :slight_smile: Could you please post your location and your stats? I’m dying of anxiety holy.

When you’re going to be volunteering at the time you’re supposed to receive your package so you won’t be able to check to see if you were admitted… I am suffering :’-)

She SHOULD get accepted to USC, but one never knows. I honestly thought she would get an acceptance today in he mail. She will probably get the rejection tomorrow. No matter, she is thrilled with Miami. Although, USC is her dream school and the one she really wants to get into. Even if she is accepted, it will be hard to turn down Miami’s offer. Unlikely that USC will come through with any substantial scholarships since she did not interview for one of the top scholarships at USC.

@broadwayy98 33 ACT, 4.3 GPA. Good extracurriculars and essays :slight_smile: Hope you get in! Good luck!