***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

What is the Trojan transfer plan?

If even 5% of that attitude or personality came across within essays or personal statements, then I would deny such an applicant as well… and not hire them in the real world either. As others have said above… take that nonsense and negativity elsewhere. Write an email and send it off to your assigned admission counselor and their superiors if you feel it is warranted. But none of that bitterness or negativity is warranted here on a specific CC thread designed for other definitive purposes. Good luck and please move on…

Just got accepted!!!

[ b]Objective:**

[ *] SAT I (breakdown): 1240 (highest combined) 590 English and 650 Math
[ *] ACT: n/a
[ *] SAT II: n/a
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9 (from Junior year) 3.88 now
Weighted GPA: 4.06
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 20 out of 120
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): past and present schools don’t offer AP’s
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
[ ] Senior Year Course Load: College Calc., College Spanish, English 12 Honors, Govt./Econ., College Writing, PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing (College Course offered through El Camino)
[ ] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NHS, NSHSS, Earthwatch Ignite Fellow, DTASC semi-finalist (idk if those count, but I think they’re pretty good)
[ /list][ b]Subjective:

[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): SWE (11th-12th), Soccer (forward, 9th grade), LA Mayor Youth Council (council member, 10th-12th), Spanish Club (10th grade), Interact (11th-12th), Crossfit Teens (11th-12th), SHPE (11th-12th)
[ *] Job/Work Experience: n/a
[ *] Volunteer/Community service: volunteer through Interact
[ *] Summer Activities: Congress of Future Scientists and Technologists, Earthwatch Ignite Fellowship to research in Maine
[ *] Essays: I think all were pretty good, even my supplementals, so maybe 8/10
[ *] Teacher Recommendation: Got recs from my Physics and Pre-Cal teachers and they really know and like me so 9/10 most likely (they also wrote recs for the Earthwatch program)
[ ] Counselor Rec: She knows me pretty well and we’ve met a couple of times one on one, but I only came to my new school Junior year, so probably 7/10
[ ] Additional Rec:
[ /list][ b]Other

[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
[ *] Intended Major: Physics (I also want to major in Astronomy)
[ *] State: California
[ *] School Type: Charter
[ *] Ethnicity (Country of Origin): Mexican
[ *] Race(s) (AI/AN, Asian, AA, NH/PI, White, not reported):
[ *] Gender: Female
[ ] Income Bracket: prefer not to say, but middle class
[ ] Hooks/tips (URM, athlete, legacy, 1st gen, etc.): URM and first gen.
[ /list][ b]Reflection

[ *] Strengths: essays, ec’s, and GPA
[ *] Weaknesses: SAT scores and not as much academic rigor as other kids, but that’s more of my schools’ faults
[ /list][ b]General Comments:[/] after being waitlisted at UCLA and rejected from Emory and BostonU, I honestly nearly lost all hope! I’m so glad I got in and I will most likely commit!!! Congrats to all those who got in! And to those who didn’t and USC was there dream school: don’t worry! I was rejected from my dream school back in December and it honestly stung!!! You will find happiness soon in an a college, just like I did today!!! I believe in all of you!!! Believe me, all of your stats intimidated me and I know you all have the ability to do great things!!!

“By the way, I feel free to write this as I was already accepted by Harvard & Princeton.”

nice try, but no…
The ONLY students who already know they have been admitted to ANY IVY LEAGUE college, are those who applied EARLY to ONLY ONE .

So there is NO WAY for you to KNOW you were ALREADY accepted to BOTH colleges! .

WOW- talk about “false news”!


Oh geez I just answered my own question in my mind. TTP comes on the rejection letters and not many of those are out yet - that is why I haven’t seen it posted by anyone yet.

@mimimo7890 While some kids are admitted spring, there are others “temporarily denied” that are invited to reapply as as a sophomore with some extra perks like advising, personal planning, and a bit more of a guarantee to admission (that a regular transfer applicant doesn’t get), if classes and gpa requirements are meant.

Some people think high scoring legacies get this, but I have known both legacy and non legacy students offered this.

Congrats! Could you please post your stats in this thread link below as well? They get sorta lost in this giant thread! Thanks!!


People in my area received acceptances today but I didn’t get anything. What does this mean for me?

@WWWard Get to bed so you can get to tomorrow! Only good thoughts here.

Thanks, @CADREAMIN Hopefully so. Should know within 12 hours :slight_smile:

Are they delivering through FedEx, USPS, or UPS?

Good luck to @WWWard and @CADREAMIN !! You two have been the most help on this forum and I can truly say you’ve kept me sane in this stressful process!

@collegekid171 I agree- they have been so helpful. Good luck!

Decision: Accepted

Date applied: 11/25/16

Date decision postmarked/received: 3/24/17

Which school/major at USC: School of Cinematic Arts, Cinema & Media Studies

Scholarships: none

ACT (breakdown): 32 Composite | 36 English | 36 Reading | 33 Science | 24 Math
SAT II (place score in parentheses): Literature (700), U.S. History (750)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.71
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A (my school doesn’t do it at all)
AP (place score in parentheses): Euro History (4), English Language (4), U.S. History (5)
Senior Year Course Load: AP U.S. Gov, AP English Lit, AP Art History, Anatomy, Calculus, Drama 4
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Girl Scout Gold Award, National Spanish Exam (Bronze & Silver), some acadec medals (these were senior year so I’m not sure how much they counted), CSF & NHS

Extracurriculars: I was heavily involved in my school’s drama program, including various shows and events, and I was a scene director for our local festival where I was a 4-time Semi-Finalist. I have also been a Girl Scout for 12 years and earned my Gold Award. I have been learning piano for the last 4 years.
Job/Work Experience: N/A
Volunteer/Community Service: Animal shelter, food distribution center
Summer Activities: Film production company internship
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 9/10. I know for a fact that my essays were a huge factor in my getting in but I will not say how for privacy reasons.
Teacher Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 7/10 I guess? I think I have good relationships with the teachers I asked – my math teacher of 3 years and my junior English teacher.
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 8/10. I have a good relationship with her.
Additional Rec (rating 1-10, details): 8/10. I asked my film/art teacher, my drama teacher, and my internship supervisor.
Interview: I did a normal USC interview and an informal SCA meeting-interview thingy. They both went pretty well in my opinion.

Applied for Financial Aid? Yes
State (if domestic applicant): California
School Type: Catholic, all-girls, small
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Lots of legacy

Strengths: Writing skills for sure. I don’t want to speculate beyond that haha
Weaknesses: My GPA is low because I struggle in STEM
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: My essays
Where else you are applying or have already applied: Accepted to Chapman, Scripps, Occidental, USD, and CSUF. Waitlisted at UCSB. Rejected from UCLA and Pomona.
General Comments/Advice/Hindsight: Don’t give up hope! I didn’t think I had a real shot.

@magiebaste It is USPS - the mailman.

I almost said it people, but after a day like today I think I have to switch to this: ~O)

Here’s to tomorrow! May all your dreams come true.

And if they don’t, remember, do not let this define you. You are only defined by that which you allow to do so.

thank you @collegekid171 and @emsmom1. You are very kind. We were new once too and just paying it forward.

Thanks all! We appreciate it.

[ size=4][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted**[/color][/size]

[ b]Date applied: ** November 31st

[ b]Date decision postmarked/received:** March 24

[ b]Which school/major at USC:** Dana and Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

[ b]Scholarships:** None at the moment. I applied for the Topping Scholarship though

[ b]Objective:**
SAT I (breakdown): 1240, 590 Reading/Writing, and 650 Math
ACT (breakdown): n/a
SAT II (place score in parentheses): n/a
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.88
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 20 out of 120
AP (place score in parentheses): n/a
IB (place score in parentheses): n/a
Senior Year Course Load: College Calc., College Spanish, English 12 Honors, College Writing, Govt./Econ., Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW college class offered through El Camino)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NHS, NHSS, DTASC semi-finalist, Earthwatch Ignite Fellow, Congress of Future Scientists/Technologists

[ b]Subjective:**
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parentheses): Interact club, Los Angeles Mayor’s Youth Council (council member), Spanish club, AYSO soccer (forward), Society of Women Engineers, Crossfit Teens
Job/Work Experience: n/a
Volunteer/Community Service: volunteer through Interact
Summer Activities: Earthwatch Ignite Fellow, Congress of Future Scientists/Technologists
Essays (rating 1-10, details):: 8/10
Teacher Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):: Both from my Pre-Calc. and Physics teacher so, 9/10 most likely
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details):: Knows me pretty well, but I transferred to my current school last year, so probably a 7-8/10
Additional Rec (rating 1-10, details):: n/a
Interview: n/a

[ b]Other**
Applied for Financial Aid? YES!
State (if domestic applicant): California
Country (if international applicant): n/a
School Type: Charter and Science based
Ethnicity: Mexican
Gender: female
Income Bracket: middle class
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM and First Gen.

[ b]Reflection**
Strengths: GPA, ec’s, and essays
Weaknesses: SAT scores and lack of academic rigor, but that’s more of my schools’ lack of availability of rigorous courses

Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: maybe my essays, I honestly don’t know!
Where else you are applying or have already applied: UCLA (waitlist), Harvard (Rejected), UChicago (Rejected), BostonU (rejected), Emory (rejected), LMU (accepted), USanFrancisco (accepted), Cal Lutheran (accepted), UConn (accepted), and Berkeley
General Comments/Advice/Hindsight: Congrats to everyone accpeted! And to any of those who didn’t/still waiting: good luck and you will all do great somewhere! I was honestly imtimdated by everyone and how great you all were!

anyone got accepted by Iovine and Young academy?

Sleepy time in PA…big day tomorrow for all day twoers!! Well everyone since portal opens at midnight! Best of luck to all! This is now the final decision we are waiting on…so after tomorrow the decision process ends for admissions and starts for my son to decide!! Very excited for that process!! Thanks everyone!

From the USC Financial Aid twitter: Financial aid summaries will be released beginning March 28 for applicants who have submitted all required documents.