USC class of 2023 Applicants Thread

Its 2nd person reporting not the applicant herself (or her parent).
So, who knows. She sounds sincere and genuine and says she saw a picture of the box on her friend’s phone.

I believe this is bogus as many start reporting on here in the earlier afternoon like @CADREAMIN said. Thinking positive thoughts for tomorrow!!!

When they really arrive you will know. This site will lite up with posts and a valid description. And when it happens please put your location/area in or around LA.

So when should we expect the portal to update this year? Since usually they updated Friday once all the packages were sent out.

If start arriving tomorrow portal will update Saturday night just after midnight (Sunday morning).

I would be very skeptical of any 3rd person reports of ‘white boxes’.

the new word according to usc admissions over the phone is portal updates saturday and packages sent early next week… soo weird

@elspeiir you spoke to them?

if anyone has called and gotten a confrimed response from USC please let us know!!

no this again is according to someone from reddit, but ill stop quoting that site now because i really down want to spread potentially false info :frowning:

EVERYONE I just called the admissions office. Rest assured, the packages were sent out yesterday.

She also said that yes, the portal will be updated on Saturday.

Parents - while there is still time give some thought about how kids should find the package. I recommend them owning the moment but every family has their own thing going. Finding out you got into USC or any school they love is a once in a lifetime event - don’t miss it by just sending them a text of the result. It won’t hurt them to wait a little longer at school. Even if you know tell them you aren’t home or whatever little fib. Think about it playing out before it happens so you can experience the moment too. (Sorry kids that I am letting you in on this hee hee hee.)

I realize that everyone is pumped up about the packages, but the vast majority of USC admissions will come in April

And know that if you talk to 3 different people in admissions you will get three different answers. They have fun with those calls.

Would the packages arrive at the door or at the mailbox?

@CADREAMIN I’ve called twice so far to double check, and they’re all sticking to the same answer. So hopefully that’s a good sign?

@emarie19 if boxes were sent yesterday, they would have arrived today in SoCal. I think that is false information based upon no one having received a box. More likely they went out today

@hcmom65 I see your point. Maybe they were tricking me then.

Is there a possibility they purposely sent the SoCal packages a day later than the others so that everyone would get them the same day? Because I don’t know why am admissions officer would lie to a caller…