USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

So UCLA or UNC or UVA should accept every applicant with a certain gpa and test score??

At public schools at least 60% of spots should be reserved for certain GPA and test score. Remaining 40% should be for people who don’t necessarily have a great test score but make up for it by other means.

That’s basically what they already do

How are those scores worked out? All high schools have different ways of doing GPAs and offer different amounts of honors/AP/IB classes.

Or do you mean a system like the University of Texas has where people with a certain class rank are accepted? Though you could argue that that disadvantages people from competitive high schools.

There is no perfect system.

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Nope. At CC you see so many people who got high stats and still got rejected at nearly all UCs. If admissions were more predictable students wouldn’t need to apply to so many places in the first place.

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The USC Admissions website states, “We look for those students we believe will thrive at USC. Our application process is designed to discover your individual story, so that we might see how you would take advantage of the many opportunities available at USC.”

They then list a paragraph of examples of what makes a student successful at USC. A teenager and/or a student with multiple applications should be able to look at this list and write an essay telling USC why they will be a good fit at USC. A student who spends a little more time on their application will look beyond the homepage and find what USC has to offer and why they might want to attend.

USC students pursue ambitious intellectual and professional goals by studying across disciplines and taking advantage of the diversity of programs available. They are willing to venture outside their comfort zones. They are interested in the world, in other peoples and cultures, and enjoy examining important issues from a global perspective. USC students are unafraid to speak up in class to make others think or fight for a cause. They get involved by participating in student organizations and connecting with others. They seek to grow to their fullest potential, and they seek to serve others in the community along the way.

I don’t believe USC is hiding what they are looking for. They want you to tell them why they should accept you. Their supplemental questions ask “Why USC.” One doesn’t have to email their AO if they answered the prompts.


That’s why standardized tests are needed. Hard work and results ought to mean something in this country. Disadvantaged people still get consideration and that’s why a certain % of spots should be reserved for “holistic review” as opposed to all of the spots.


Arbitrary99 knows hoops. Note, however, USC is on track to bringing on board a Top Ten Basketball recruiting class from the Class of 2021 (and #1 ranked class in PAC-12). USC 2021 Basketball Commits

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But using standardized tests scores still doesn’t change how it would be impossible to simply compare students’ GPAs.

Unless you won’t to just ignore GPAs

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Standardized tests should be given much higher weight, and GPA very little. GPAs can be compared within the same school.

So you think 4 hours on a Saturday should have more weight than 3 and a half years of work?


there is no easy answer, but we live in CA and my son got rejected from most of the UC schools despite high marks. I do have an issue with paying high taxes for this state and having it soooo hard to get into schools like Irvine and Santa Cruz (I’m not even talking about UCLA or Cal), but seeing so many OOS kids getting in. I don’t have a solution, but perhaps these schools should increase their campus size given the amount of state funding they still get.


Remember, if you’re talking about CA public schools, that is the anomaly. CA is like it’s own country, with far, far too many qualified applicants even tho there are 9 UC campuses. At all other publics I know of, including UNC, UVA, U Mich, the in-state acceptance rate is totally reasonable for good students.

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Why not? If you’re smart enough to get a 1500 score without working hard for 3.5 years then you’re a genius and should be given opportunities accordingly.

It is not at UW for example. They are much more unpredictable (“holistic”).

Just so I’m clear, the consensus is that decisions are coming tomorrow? Not Wednesday or Thursday? And is this pure speculation or is there some logic behind it?

Thanks so much.

standardized test won’t exist in 5 years. Brown also have 2021-2022 TO


You said it yourself. “HARD WORK and results ought to mean something”. If you’re a ‘genius’, why didn’t you work hard and push yourself to do well in school?

Virtually every study shows that GPA is a better indicator of success in college than the SAT/ACT.

I don’t care if you’re a genius at one specific test, what’s important is being smart and doing very well in school AND working hard, having a good work ethic ect


Actually the U-Dub acceptance rate for in-state is over 60%. Pretty good odds I’d say.

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@StrogMedicine They released on their Instagram that decisions were coming out tomorrow