USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

They have been inconsistent with Deans but I only remember one year that we didn’t see any this round and they seemed to launch them all with regular decisions (or we just didn’t have a Deans poster on here that year, but we usually do). If an applicant gets accepted today without info on the interview, it has meant they received the Deans. It’s odd how unclear they were about it in the past, hopefully they clearly spell it out. Good luck to your D!


Lol! So true. USC always seems to have issues when putting out the decisions - especially in March. It wasn’t that long ago that it would take them hours to get them released to all, while UCLA posted theirs to over 100k applicants in about 10 seconds!

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Ours says “unknown” also

Mine says Undergraduate but I genuinely don’t know what that means

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When accepted, if you can please let post that you are interviewing and for which major you were accepted, that is very helpful.

If someone can copy paste the acceptance text (the general stuff, nothing personal), that is good to see as it usually references how many applied by December 1st, how many are getting good news today, etc. I have notes on this stuff over last 10 years that I try to keep updated each year (sad but true).


Good luck all, almost there!


Just confirming, Deans is only for Dec 1 (Dec 2 this year) deadline just like all the others? Or a late December applicant is eligible for that one if announced in March?

Ten minutes? :grimacing:. (Oops, an hour and ten minutes?)

Still December 1st applicants, although some aren’t given them till March when accepted or shortly after.

I’m hoping they stick with their usual “earlier” 3pm time slot so they can get to the grocery store for superbowl snacks and have time to fix any tech bloop before 5 (ha but it happens). It could be as late as 5-6pm.

Usc # doesnt change after you enroll its the same as your applicant id

We’re tracking PST right? East Coast parent here -was hoping it wouldn’t be a long night.


Yes, it should go before end of business day here PST. Once it was 8 or 9pm PST but that was a tech glitch, not an intention!


Quick question - I uploaded my ACT scores on December 6th, and I applied before the 1st. I know it’s a little late for this, but was I considered for the scholarship deadline?

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yes i believe

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Yes, supporting documents can always come after. As long as you submitted by Dec 1 (or 2 due to the glitch) you are good!


Yes, you good!

Is there anyone on here who’s portal says “undergraduate” (not “unknown”) who did NOT fill out the FAFSA?

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are they out??

Yes I didn’t fill out FAFSA and mine says undergraduate


I’m wondering if they’re waiting until 4pm PST since most West coast kids could still be in school, or just be getting out?