USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Same with ours, it says “unknown” and we did FAFSA

In the past and for the last decade, the Dean’s was also given out in early round - so you got straight up accepted without an interview. I know one personally from a couple years ago. It use to be common practice to give out many Dean’s in January (Scholarships were announced late January up until 2021). Then scatter the rest in March.

Then one year, it seemed most went out in March, as fewer reported getting it in Jan. So last 3 years it has been a bit of a wildcard to see what m.o. they are stabilizing on with those.

Frankly traffic here has slowed down so much, we use to get literally a couple/few hundred applicants people saying “I was accepted” this round with a lot of detail so it was easier to figure out the play. It’s too small a sample to deduce anything currently, but I get a lot of PMs that provide good insight, so will pass on what I learn as it goes along!

she’s considered an international student, so not many unfortunately

For those hoping to get in during the regular round, I am going to request @wwward repost his write up of letting USC know they are your number one choice. There are people that will move on after today, but if you would attend USC if admitted you should let them know. They tell you that! Watch for his post - it has good advice.

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You said your status updated a little while ago, was it something else before it changed to "undergraduate?’ Just trying to figure it out. Ours says “unknown” so I’m hoping it not a negative sign.

Just checked my daughters status again and now it says, “undergraduate.” Would love to know exactly what that means. Hoping its good.

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Means nothing. Wait for email Update from school

Yes, go to your portal and on the top right it says USC FAST where you can check on your financial aid. Once you click that you’ll see where it says “unknown” or “undergraduate.”

We are very shocked! Daughter got in and invited for interview!

Does anyone know if these interviews are in person or zoom?!? (We are east coast - have not visited the campus yet :grimacing:)


When I checked it this morning it’s unknown but now when I’m finishing the financial aid stuff it turned to undergraduate? Any clues?

Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you admission to the University of Southern California as part of the entering class of fall 2022. This offer is being extended to you as a result of your outstanding achievements, both in and out of the classroom. During a time when so much of life has been put on hold, you continued to devote late nights and weekends to study and went beyond what was expected of you.

The USC faculty, world renowned researchers on the forefront of the creation of knowledge, are especially eager for you to join us. They look forward to working with remarkable young people who will bring intellect, curiosity and persistence to the university community. We believe you are such a person.

USC is one of the most dynamic universities in the world because students like you bring special qualities and a range of interests. By choosing USC, you will become an important part of a student body of enormous talent, depth and diversity. You will work with scholars of all disciplines, from the sciences to the visual and performing arts, from the humanities to the social sciences and various professional disciplines. You will learn from others, we will learn from you, and you will grow to become a leader for the future.

Beyond the tall trees of our beautiful campus is downtown Los Angeles, the heart of the vibrant metropolis you will call home during your studies. Our city is your living laboratory, providing opportunities for learning in formal and informal ways, in areas such as global business, community service, and national politics. You can find just about anything here: music, art, theater, a variety of cultures, beautiful beaches, snow-capped mountains, even expansive preserves of natural wonder.

A USC education will provide you with a base of knowledge that is both broad and deep. This, combined with your mastery of one, two or even three academic fields, will equip you to make a difference in a world characterized by constant change. We believe that together we will find solutions to the problems of tomorrow, and we are excited to share this journey with you.

Welcome to the Trojan Family!


Hi @CADREAMIN !! I have been trying to catch up here!

Congrats to those who got the scholarship invite! It really is a small number compared to those who apply by the deadline. It’s only 2-3% of those early applications.

To those who didn’t- don’t totally give up! My daughter (who is now a senior) hadn’t been invited for the Trustee or Presidential, but when she got her acceptance, she received the USC Associates Scholarship! This is given to about 10 per year and it is $18000, and I think they also throw in a $2000 University scholarship to make it a nice $20,000! The scholarship is special as it is given by the USC Associates- an alumni organization that is dedicated to providing funding for scholarships and also to faculty. Besides the money, the best part is they get invited to at least 1 football tailgate and it’s probably the fanciest tailgate on campus. My daughter said this year they got invited to 2, and the Associates really enjoyed talking to all the students and it was a great time. And the food was really really good!!

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years. FWIW, even with the pandemic , my daughter has had an amazing experience at USC and it was absolutely the right choice for her. Good luck to all of you in your entire admissions journey!


Daughter was unknown. “Sorry no soup for you email”. Now she shows as undergraduate.

Does it not have info about the interviews with the admissions letter? @Anh_Nguyen1 do you see directions on how to schedule an interview? I assume they are virtual but is there any additional information?

Thank you for being my hero and sending this. It is so helpful in helping others when I have real information since my youngest is already in and attending there.

And congrats to you!!! Welcome to the Trojan Family (if you decide to attend)! Or good luck at Cal - Regents is sweeeet and great so you can get your classes!

While I am here, I have been wanting to remark on a few things about USC.

First is how acceptance rates can be deceptive. Some schools fill a large percentage of their class through Early Decision, and then accept very few through the Regular Decision cycle. Those same schools often wait list thousands of students, then use that and ED to inflate their yield.

USC does none of that. They do it all in one Regular Decision process. The early deadline for scholarships is not really analogous to any other early admission process as nobody is rejected and it’s just to select for the top scholarships. For RD, everyone is equal. Then there is also no waitlist. You are either in or not. Your acceptance might be for Spring semester, but there is a decision. I have really come to like and appreciate this, as ED has always a been shown to benefit higher socioeconomic students and waitlists just make some decisions prolonged. USC has found what works for them. They don’t care about manipulating numbers or inflating yield. They know they will have a class of students who very much want to be at USC.

USC is also very transfer friendly for qualified students. They are proud of being able to offer a USC education to students through different paths. Some students may not know what they want in high school and they come into their own in community college. Those students have a chance for USC.

The last thing I will mention is financial aid. USC is incredibly generous with financial aid when you look at total dollars. They have an incoming class that is double or more the size of Ivys and Stanford, yet they are providing aid to thousands of lower income students every year. I believe in raw dollars, USC offers more financial aid than any other school. I just looked it up in the common data set and USC gave nearly double in institutional aid than Stanford ($290m vs $160m), which is known to have some of the best aid in the country. Since USC has a larger student body, for some people it may seem like there isn’t enough aid, but overall, I feel like more credit should be given.

Just wanted to put that all out there!


Same questions as @lkg4answers
Was your interview information on the second page - is there a link in your portal to set up an interview?

This has me wondering about Dean’s again!

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If anyone got an admissions letter but did not receive information on the interview, and just a general congratulations on acceptance, please let us know.


Lastly, does the portal update for those accepted pretty much look like this? Not sure if anything has changed since covid sent things wackydoodle.

Admission Decision
Enrollment Commitment Deposit
Withdraw Your Application
Submit Documents

Financial Aid
Apply for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Summary & Tasks (FAST) page

On-Campus Admitted Student Programs
Explore USC
Preview USC
Admitted Student Day
Campus tours

Off-Campus Admitted Student Programs

Apply for Housing

It’s can’t be four years already, wow. Sounds like your D had and made it a great four years!!! I still have one there too, it’s been a long (but great) ride.