USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

@drewcollege4 It’s great your D got to do the freshman quad area then on over to Village, that seems perfect and rounds out the USC experience!

So congrats - it’s a great relief to get what/where you want! My D’s group had a 10am appt first day, (literally when it opened so may have been 9am…can’t remember), and they couldn’t get what they wanted - it made no sense. I think they had blocked some rooms of that type maybe, but it was a large group of 8, so they just divided in two smaller groups and it all worked out.

Most sophomores should really get the Village, it is mostly for them (and the soph guarantee which they didn’t have prior to Village), but they do run out of rooms there for those at the last lottery times. But there’s lots of good options for sophomores and it can be fun to be on other parts of campus too.

Beware of all those little Target charges coming, ha. Actually they have some decent groceries there that my D got quite often since it was right there. Sustained her during the covid years for sure!!! I think it’s the cosmetics section that secretly attacks the credit card. :slight_smile:

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I thought all of the other options were pretty good too. Century with the pool, Car Gar with large rooms, Troy looked awesome - so close to the Village, big renovated rooms and balconies and a beautiful interior courtyard with hammocks, fire pits, couches, etc. And Troy is way cheaper ; ) My daughter is already in the village several times a day. I pay for necessities and she’s supposed to pay for eveything else - sometimes that line is blurry! Starbucks a necessity? I think not ; )


How did you find out? Did you get mailed letter?

Merit decisions came out last Friday, about 1,000 were accepted with merit.

I think cosmetics and Starbucks both blur the necessity line!

Yes, lots of housing choices that end up being great. And they each have their own cool vibe, I really do like the open door concept versus the hotel style. They are 18 and adaptable. If our grandfathers could go to war, I’m pretty sure our kids will survive in an older dorm, ha. My D chose Birkrant over Village her first year and it was the right decision for her for sure. When I visited, I could see all the happiness in the elevators and hallways, it was a riot. Then Village as a soph. Having friends and support is so much more important than the walls or building.

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I would love to hear more about what your daughter has liked/not liked about living in McCarthy. Do the suites have common areas? Anything you can share about pros/cons would be so helpful. Thank you!

The very long housing post for Feb and March admits…ymmv!

I’ve had one or two students consistently at USC for last 10 years and spend a lot of time on campus, so this is what I have learned/seen over my time there and gleaned from my kids and their friends. I try to update this best I can, sometimes they add a building to the freshman housing list, but generally it stays the same. And hopefully other posters can share thoughts. But generally speaking…

First for the merit students - you obviously have priority for McCarthy and many will choose it, but there are also those merit students that go a different way because they don’t want the suite style, or their non-merit room mate choice can’t live there, they want to be in freshman quad area, or they just want the typical old school college experience of a regular dorm. There is no wrong choice. It is your choice and preferences that matter. As a sophomore, you will more than likely have choice to live at Village, so if you want to do it one or both years, that is up to you. I don’t know about a requirement to live in McCarthy to live in Illium as a soph, it wasn’t like that for my D, but it could be now, so ask if that concerns you. The Village is really a sophomore community, but the honors in McCarthy becomes it’s own little family, and any dorm can feel like home if it is what you want. (Future reference/mental note - if your student applies for Village at some point, keep in mind that the loft layout is beyond TINY. (You really do get what you pay for in dorms.)

Many love the wowness of the Village. There are great things about McCarthy besides the obvious shiny newness of it - they check in a few days before everybody else and start their bonding activities, then have their food and everything right there. It certainly has a regent feel to it. They have done a better job getting this group to bond/have activies more than they did the first year it opened, and have done a good job making it more social for the freshman. But if a merit student wants to choose something else because of a room mate that can’t live in McCarthy, or just preference, that’s ok too. For students accepted during regular admission in March, keep in mind that housing at Village is for merit student freshman that choose it, and how much more has been freshman housing keeps evolving, it was created for sophomore housing (and some upperclassman) so don’t use all your choices on the Village.

And don’t stress it, there are so many great places to live and you will become a family in any of them; meeting people during the year that become college/lifelong friends is way more important that being 100 steps closer to Wahlburgers (although they have very yummy burgers). Talk to friends, check on line and decide what you think you will like. If you aren’t that social, the suite/hotel style may be more isolating (but only if you let it) than being in an open door/floor type experience, so be sure to get involved with things and people early on. Think of how you will/can grow. Maybe a little discomfort is good for that. You know yourself best.

For the most part, who you live with and around (having ability to meet people) is more important than the physical aspects of building. An 18 year old is adaptable, more than us old parent types! If the student doesn’t care about AC and wants a good social aspect (not saying party dorm, just super friendly atmosphere with lots of activities and ways to meet people) then Birnkrant, Pardee, Marks Tower are all great and part of the freshman quad. New North is definitely known as the fun dorm. But keep in mind the academic level of USC nowadays, no dorm is Animal House. Birnkrant kept it’s honors reputation (it was honors dorm prior to Village) and it is known as “8 floors of open doors.” There is a Starbucks in the bottom of it. I haven’t known anyone that didn’t love living there. Not fancy and a traditional dorm set up, but its academic/social balance remains strong. All these are just across the street from the Village shops and food. Birkrant could be labled studious and social, but frankly they all are. If you look at stats, there isn’t a real difference between students at USC, so you aren’t gonna find housing with a “certain kind of student;” they are all great Trojans.

If you want AC and suite set up, then Village, Parkside A&S or Webb Tower all offer that. Webb has large apartments but has been more closed door feeling at times. Parkside is on the far side of campus, but newer building (relative to some others) and super nice suites (pretty large), close to engineering, tends to be social for suites, and they include 8 person suites. Parkside residents do a lot together because they are off to themselves more, but of course make their way to the freshman quad area and Village too - the campus isn’t that big! Also known to have great food.

For those accepted in March, do not put all five configurations in one building because if full, then they get to make your “second choice” and will put you wherever they want. Do not only list all 5 choices in the Village - or you will be surprised when you are stuck “wherever” because you don’t list enough choices building wise. There are other places on campus where freshman living is focused. I get AC is a must for some people, but I would suggest adding additional factors to that as the highest priority of your USC living experience if you can. Although there can be a couple periods of heat, it is California, not the south, no humidity. There is a reason shacks go for millions here.

Again, give them some choices of at least two buildings.

From being around a lot of students over the years, what I have heard consistently is the entire freshman quad area (Birnkrant, Pardee, Marks, New North, etc.) is one of the best places you can live, even without AC. It is where you do the most as a freshman and can meet the most freshman. USC is a HUGE school with 40,000 people, a lot of them graduate students. In the freshman quad area it is great to be grabbing coffee at that Starbucks or sitting out by the pond with other freshman. If you are throwing frisbee in the lawn, or studying at a table outside, it is likely a freshman sitting next to you and walking by. Anyone in that area is a freshman - all those buildings might as well be considered one building, they way everyone interacts. So if you choose or end up in the freshman quad area it will be great too. It is so easy to make friends over there. Parkside has it’s own little community on it’s side, and students are really happy there too, it’s just a bit of a haul (relatively speaking) to the other corner of campus. I think they do a great job room mate matching if student answers the questionairre honestly.

Kids that are interested in going Greek tend to live in New North. It has been known that way for years. It has a big sorority/fraternity contingency that chooses to live there. It’s not all those interested in Greek, just seems to be a repuation that follows it.

Don’t worry about living by your “major” school, as freshman you will likely be all over campus with GEs and activities. It’s not that big a campus, everything is pretty close really and there’s plenty of great options!


Is anyone else having trouble accessing USC FAST today? I keep getting a “no active session” message.

Edit: It’s back up and working again.

Does McCarthy = Village?

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My daughters says undergraduate, but shows an error message when trying to recover the NetID


@CADREAMIN, correct me if I’m wrong. If I recall correctly, this is just grabbing a spot in the lottery and choosing room configuration and roommates comes later.

On page 33 of the Housing Brochure, it says "You may change your housing preferences or special interest request and add roommate requests up until the time assignments are made. "

This is the housing app, not the lottery, they only use lottery for soph pre re-registration.

You will be selecting building and rooms types, you select 5 and put them in priority order.

There is also a roommate section. You can do it later.

Key is to go through it quickly and get app submitted to get your time stamp. That is the most important thing.

You can go back to application a zillion times and update choices and roommate info anytime before application closes without affecting your submission time stamp.

Merit students are gonna get their building choice, so that’s cool - it’s the room type you are going for by getting in early.

In March it’s an all out battle for everything. :slight_smile:


@CADREAMIN do you happen to know if athletes all live in the same housing?

Athletes are placed in housing by their team. Freshman will live with other freshman recruits for their sport, but sophomore team members usually go off campus and live together. So depends on sport for how many live together. A couple for tennis, many for football. They are not all in same housing across sports. But sure, some baseball may be mixed in with another sport in same building. But there’s not one designated athlete dorm. But they have an amazing athletes dining hall.

Continuing the discussion from USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision:

Thank you so much for all your wisdom and advice. My daughter was accepted into Marshall last Friday. In all the excitement she logged in and paid the commitment deposit. Will this negatively impact her chance of merit when she interviews?


Not at all. It’s actually a funny story - she could say something about blowing negotiating 101 already as a Business major, but she was just so excited. They really do give it to kids they feel “ring the bell” for them. So don’t worry about that at all.

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I assume you only use the housing app if you have been admitted, right? Everyone else waits until decisions in March?

McCarthy is not the Village but it is one of the dorms that is located in the Village. The Village has several dorms (2500+ students), Trader Joes, Target and a variety of restaurants and stores. Other dorms in the Village include Cowlings & Ilium, Cale & Irani, Nemirovsky & Bohnett. You can look at the map on the housing website to see where each dorm is located.

There is a webcam in the Village if you want to check out the comings and goings of students throughout the day. The cam is located on the roof of Cale & Irani and is pointed towards CAVA - a popular restaurant in the Village. If you seen a line of students throughout the day, they are waiting to order from the restaurant. The cars you see in the background are going in and out of the underground parking structure.

This year, many freshman were assigned to Cale & Irani and it looks, from the housing website(click on housing options), that they will use it for freshman housing next year as well.

Do I feel that Village housing (honors housing specifically) is social? Absolutely! There are shared/common spaces in each suite, study areas and lounges in each hall, a courtyard in each building and many, many social events both through the dorm (honors retreat, hall/dorm events), on the fields/lawns on both sides of McCarthy and in the Piazza.

During the pandemic, socialization in the USC dorms has been limited (students can’t go into other dorms). Most social gatherings, both big and small, are outdoors. My student met people through dorm activities, classes, clubs, sports, etc. She studied in her room, in the study rooms in the hall or found a table in the Village where she could study and people watch at the same time.

You might check out the dorm tour videos posted on YouTube. I don’t want to link to private videos but Viterbi Student has several dorm tour videos posted on their channel.

Everyone is going to have their own opinion about housing. I don’t want to risk offending anyone so I am happy to be more candid with our personal experience by PM.



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Is anyone else having trouble getting into the FAST portal? Ours just spins and then says you have no active session.