USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Should we be concerned that the message we now see in my daughter’s FAST portal is “You have no active session”? It used to show us her financial aid checklist. I’ve emailed USC’s financial aid office, but they are closed today. Just wondering if you had heard of that and have any insight. Thanks!

We had that last night to till this morning 10am. Then came back to “Unavailable, check back later” message. Not sure what made it happen and what made it go away.

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Off Topic: This is weird, my user name changed on this thread in CC. I didn’t realize it until I post a message above

Your FA portal will have all kinds of weirdness until it is final. I have learned patience is key but it doesn’t hurt to e-mail or call with question if something is off. They change bits and pieces over next couple months so it will be incomplete with things appearing and disappearing during this time.

Do keep an eye on it for additional pieces of information they will request. You don’t get e-mail about something missing, that kind of notification only shows up in portal.


Mine said class undergraduate and then I was admitted merit so you can always come up with something

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Contact @CC_Mike and see if he can help.

This happened to us briefly last week.


As @CADREAMIN stated above, your FAST portal can change innumerable times over the next few weeks. None of it has any correlation to your eventual admissions status. There are no hints to be found there. They are operating on completely separate paths until Admissions eventually informs FA whether you were admitted or not. And that will occur close to simultaneously with you learning it from Admissions.

Over the last 9 years that I have been active on CC, I have seen countless posters driving themselves crazy trying to determine if any little change within the FA portal means something significant about whether they will be eventually admitted or not. The answer is NO.

And even after admission, if you are fortunate enough to gain such, it can still change repeatedly. They often ask for the same thing more than once or in different forms. It often goes from incomplete, to complete and back to incomplete again. That can happen a staggering amount of times over a number of months. So, if that is your eventual situation, simply deal with it… and keep providing whatever they ask for.

It is a good idea to check it every few days. But if you eventually are admitted and do not provide what they ask for prior to when they want to finalize your FA offering, they will also eventually email you asking you to check your FAST portal for updates.

But until you are either admitted or not, FA is not a secret pathway to hidden information. USC has been doing all of this for a very long time. Every cycle, 100s of posters speculate on how or why FA would be wasting so much time getting FA files complete if it were not just for those few being admitted. Trust me… they simply do so. Every cycle there are scores of disappointed posters who had allowed themselves to think that they would be admitted simply based on FA communications. But… if you were not already admitted during the merit round, FA has no idea at this stage if you will be eventually admitted or not.

Good luck to all whom are awaiting that final decision in March. But prior to that date, FAST is not the key to figuring it out.


If you want to discuss any “tea leaf” theories regarding the FAST page, please do it here. We will move any future posts about that topic to the new thread.


When do we think decisions might come out in March? And is it box first or portal first?

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March 25-26th is best guess, and it seems it will be portal first since they didn’t send boxes to merit first this time. The box tradition may be done, something else crushed by covid.


The schools received certificates a few weeks ago and letters were sent to finalists home addresses on the 14th. We are in BYC and my son received his Friday or Saturday.

sorry, I meant NYC

looks like something is on its way ! 2 pounds maybe :thinking:
D22 is soooo excited :laughing:

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we got a sticker😅

I can’t remember, was she admitted to Marshall?

Yes, she was. Very excited!


this is such a random question but my FAST currently says that my financial aid is still in progress. Does this mean that I did something wrong in my FAFSA or Tax Forms or does it genuinley mean that they are in fact still reviewing considering I had turned in all of my paperwork back in November-December.

It will be in progress till April. Just watch for any additional items they may request. They don’t finalize them till after acceptances are out. Usually within 3-10 days after that. Some will get added scholarship money at that time and it would be reflected there.

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My kid got NMF letter with USC as first choice. Should my kid send an update to admission officer to express continuous interest? People on the Internet said it is better not send this update since USC might reject some students with NMF due to limited number of merit scholarship. Is this true?