USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

I think CADREAMIN is correct. Even if you applied RD, but not by the December 1st deadline, then she wouldn’t qualify for the other merit scholarships anyway. Since Presidential is guaranteed for NMFs no matter when you are accepted, I guess the NMFs that got accepted last week are only interviewing for Trustees. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make any sense to admit NMFs early IMO.

Ah. I’m sorry-was hoping it was just a weird server glitch.

So on chrome do u get the message that says retrieving financial status before it says the page is unavailable. I’m just speculating to see if portals may be different. Also to everyone who tries use chrome.

I’m on Chrome and it goes straight to unavailable

On Chrome I’m able to access it

That loading bar right? with the term 999…

Hopefully I’m not making this more confusing. When on Safari, I couldn’t access FAST at all. Now on Chrome, I can get into it but it does not list any data for the planning worksheet. Not sure what you mean by the term 999…

Mine has like this loading bar that stops after a few seconds and at the top it says term in the left and 999999999 on the right

I don’t see that-but, maybe I’m not looking at the same place that you are

It appears right when you click the planning worksheet tab but who knows?

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The USC financial aid office is working on processing all of the documents that they have received. Every year, there are changes to applicants’ FAST pages as the documents are uploaded. Some applicants are asked for additional financial documents and others are not. The timing of when one person’s FAST is updated, or when one is asked for documents, is not an indication of admission status.

USC does not offer EA or ED. They have two application deadlines: Dec 1 if you want to be considered for a merit scholarship and Jan 15 if you do not.


Have NMF finalists been declared already?My daughter has not heard back as to if she became a finalist.

Your school should be notifying you soon. You might take a glance at this thread Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release


My school counselor notified me last week that I’m a finalist so I suggest asking your school official/counselor. Otherwise, the physical mail letters should arrive by the end of the month IIRC.


The decisions were sent to school principals on Feb. 7th, the official letters to students’ home addresses were mailed on Feb 14th. My son’s school did not inform us. Perhaps they are busy or lazy. However, we received the official letter from NMS in the mail yesterday.

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Yep, mine says the same thing.

This is what I’ve for the planning sheet :frowning:

I see it now. When I click the planning sheet, in the blink of an eye-I mean that literally-I see the bar and a retrieving data message befor I get the unavailable page. Far too quick for me to read any numbers in the upper right though.

Mine too

Yeah I have come to believe that everyone has it whether it’s for a quick second or two or three seconds.

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