USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision


@S2021 it can happen. Our FA offer last year included a small scholarship that we didn’t expect along with a larger grant. I don’t think there’s a “range” as USC looks at each student individually.

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It’s an anxious time, it’s hard to see clearly a wrong or right move or at least easy to over-think them!

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Hi there - my son was accepted two weeks ago and has had his interview for a possible scholarship. I’ve looked in past posts but still am not clear on what his chances are for quarter, half, or full tuition. How does the process work after the interview is over? Also, when do scholarship decisions come out? We of course know he’s been accepted, it’s all of the rest of it we’re confused about. Thanks and fight on!



My daughter received this today. IK best not to read into it but still :crossed_fingers:


Yeah we got this email, FYR DD has not applied for any scholarship :crossed_fingers:t2:


Scholarship decisions are usually announced within a couple days of general admission decisions. Your student should receive a congratulatory email.

Did your student receive a letter breaking down the scholarships? In years past, the letter included a paragraph with wording such as this

You may be wondering about your chances of earning a scholarship. I expect that approximately half of attendees will be awarded one of the top awards, the Presidential scholarship, which is worth 50 percent of tuition. A smaller portion, perhaps one-fifth, will be awarded a Trustee scholarship worth 100 percent tuition, and a similarly sized portion will receive smaller awards, such as the 25 percent tuition Dean’s award or other scholarships. Most students who have made it to this point in the process will be named a merit scholar.


(SDA special event): L got that too and the subject line almost gave us a heart attack, leading with “you are invited…”.

Do you think it means anything? Would be interesting to know if other recalled participants received it too.


A few years ago… and in all prior years to that… there used to be a direct correlation to an SDA applicant receiving an invitation in the mail to attend an SDA open house event on campus in April and to their eventual admission. They had to send out such invitations early in March to allow those potential attendees time to make travel arrangements. My older daughter received one in early March 2014 and eventually got in. I inquired at the time here on CC and was told that it was a very positive sign that an admission was highly likely. In fact, I could not find any examples of someone receiving such an invitation in the mail and not gaining admission. This pattern, as I recall, of SDA mailing out such invitations ended a few cycles back though.

But… based on past experience, I would take a Save the Date notice (invitation) as a very positive sign. It would seem a bit rude to invite those who might eventually be denied admission to participate in an April SDA event.

So, good luck… and please let us know how the admission decision turns out… reminding us all of this potentially resumed correlation.


Thank you, agreed and will do!

@kj_ireland Forgive the delay. Just came back from a long run (it helps with anxiety lol). Anyway, my daughter did not get called back for the BFA program so this would be for the BA. BAL!!

@sylsri my daughter did not receive any scholarships but understand the Deans is still in play?


No worries at all. Hope the email invite is a good indicator- BAL to your kiddo! :slight_smile:

My daughter also received it!


Any speculation on whether admission decisions will be sent out on Friday March 25th or April 1st?

I know nothing, but since it was 3/31 last year and every schools seems to be behind this year, I’m betting 4/1 but HOPING for 3/25 :grinning:


Last year’s acceptances came out on a Tuesday, March 30th, at 3:00pm PST.

They launched rejections and acceptances at same time (that was a recent thing, rejections use to have to wait and it was torture).

A Tuesday was totally out of character. It was Thurs/Friday for over a decade. So we can guess Thursday the 25th if they return to pre-covid norms, or the 29th at 3:00pm if we wager it is mirroring last year.

I think kids really start mentally investing in a school as soon as they find out they are in, so not sure why they don’t get them our faster or at least same time/ahead of some of the other biggies. But alas, me not in charge.


My son is a USC Marshall freshman and he received an email request to take a newly admitted Marshall student to lunch the first week of April, so the acceptances would have to go out at least a week before that. He loves USC - the academics are excellent and the professor expectations are very high. It is rigorous and there are so many opportunities for the students to be a part of the school. It’s definitely not a party school. Good luck to you!


does everyone’s FAST portal still show undergraduate? or has it changed to unknown for anyone?

Still undergraduate for us. Our fin aid app is still under review so maybe that has something to do with it?

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