USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Ours is the same as well.

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I got asked to submit something else for financial aid. Does this mean anything?

Nothing listed on FAST or any portal changes therein are a reflection of admission or rejection yet. At this point, USC admissions and USC financial aid are operating on completely separate paths. FA will request things as they perceive they need them. They might even replicate those requests. Sometimes more than once. And they do so for everyone who has applied for financial aid. Eventually, they will be notified who has been admitted… but that update to FA will be within 24 hours of you learning it too. Until then, FA processes all applicants equally. I get that this seems to defy logic from a manpower standpoint, but that is the reality. A lot of this is automated or systemically generated. I know that applicants are looking for hints everywhere, but you will not find any via FAST.


I know they are meant to be separate but a friend was asked for financial information closer to the EA deadline at another school and they were admitted. Hoping for good news for you!

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I saw on USC’s website that admitted student day is April 10th, does this mean the decisions will likely be released the week before April 1? I don’t think they would give the admitted students only about 1 week to figure out how to get to campus.


I’m hoping the 24th-25th. That’s more in line with their usual m.o. And yes, does make more sense given the 10th as admitted students day.

They should be putting out info soon on exactly when decisions are being released.


Where did you see that on the website? I cannot seem to find it.

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Nevermind, just found it.

Early admits were given that date. They also have several other Explore USC dates, beginning on April 4. A parent sent me that info but I haven’t been able to find it on the website either.

My son has received several awards over the past few weeks which he would like USC to know about. Who is the right office/person to send the email? He has applied to Dornsife. Thanks in advance for your help.

Congratulations to your son! He can send the information to his admissions counselor.

This is a very busy time of year for them so they may not reply.


Also, when you send your email to ur admission counselor, make sure to include ur reference number so that they can put the new information into your file!

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Early this morning we received a Veri-tax form request from USC FA. This comes after we have already completed a CSS profile and submitted additional FA supplement forms back in February. Is this generally the process for USC? None of the other schools have asked for such.

We sent in the Tax Supplement Form and the Income/Expense Declaration back in January as well as Fafsa and CSS Profile. I can not remember if the request came from USC FinAid or Veri-tax. Honestly, we have filled out and sent so many forms the past few months it is all becoming one big blur.



Veri-tax is randomly generated I believe. I had two daughters attend USC, and I believe that they asked for it twice out of eight FA cycles.

USC FA tends to ask for a lot of information. They often even repeat their requests. I advise that you and others simply save everything and re-submit such if/when requested. Eventually the requests will end, but that will only be when they are fully content that they understand your family’s financial situation and are prepared to make their FA offering.


We did also–an income verification form allowing them access to our 2020 return. I don’t understand why they need it. We used the IRS data retrieval tool when filling out the FAFSA and submitted the extra documentation by the FA department a few months back. We won’t get any need based aid, so I’m hesitant to sign it.

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Best of luck to everyone!


We got this same verification authorization request as well just a couple of days ago. Form is signed, but now I guess it is taking a while to get processed. In the meantime we’re getting “push” notifications that documents are still required, but logging on to the site shows that “No action is needed,” and they are waiting on parent tax transcript (presumably, now to be sent directly from IRS). It’s a bit unsettling to get these repeated phantom requests for info we can’t provide – and at the 11th hour – but we’ll just wait for it all to sort out over the next week or so I guess.


We’re having this exact issue