USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Anyone know if receiving a request for parent supplemental tax form 5 days before decisions are out is a good sign? Really hoping so……has anyone else received this recently?


Yes we received it last week. That has been some chatter on here about what that means, but it’s all just speculation.

I’d say it’s absolutely a good sign. A friend of my kid’s received the same request from a different private. Days later he got accepted. Sure, it’s speculation (he didn’t want to get his hopes up), but I can’t imagine USC wasting their time to ask for supplemental material from someone they plan to reject. :smiley::crossed_fingers:

Just wondering what exactly is this parent tax form? My parents filled it out about a month and half ago in the FAST portal but idk if it’s the same thing that u guys just received recently.

If you fill it out, do you then need to wait for an email from the IRS veri tax?

I don’t know if it “means” anything, but it sure is taking a while to clear. The tax transcript gets sent directly to the school once you fill out the authorization. However, it’s been over a week here. Called USC FinAid just to confirm finally last week that really there was “No Action Needed” on our part (even though documents were “missing”), and they said, right, the IRS just takes as long as it takes…

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Don’t worry if you haven’t been asked for additional forms. Some taxes are straight forward and no additional info is needed. Others have investments or businesses that require additional clarification.


It was an email this weekend (3/19) directly from USC’s Financial Aid Office asking to verify the numbers in our 2020 parental tax 1040 forms. We are a two household (divorced parents) family, so it could simply be for that reason. In any case, hoping it could mean something positive. Thanks for the input!


We got a similar request this weekend. Will be interesting to see if there is some correlation when decisions are released.


Hope so! :pray:

I see, is this something similar to urs?

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Is the “unknown” vs “undergraduate” portal astrology still relevant?

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Does anyone know if USC is a better choice over the University of Michigan? I was thinking of doing something along the track of pre-med and maybe minor is business. Does USC provide more opportunities?

how does USC look at students from small high schools? will it hurt my chances

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We got something like this back in January. We are still under review but no documents are showing as required.

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WE HAVE SAME QUESTION :raising_hand_woman:t4:. visited Ross over the weekend! April USC!

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Did you come to the campus day on friday? I really liked the school.

I doubt it.

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Ye this is what I’ve too

who do you submit news achievements to?