USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Yes, my son got it on February 11.

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I was a scholarship finalist but haven’t received any emails about it – is anyone else in the same boat?

What’s the acceptance rate for undergrad mashall?

My D received that invitation

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Are you looking for the parent FB group? This is the group managed by USC. USC Parents Group (University of Southern California) | Facebook

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My GS was accepted in February and awarded the Trustee Scholarship today. He’s in shock but he has worked hard to get to where he is. He was accepted to the Architecture program. His architecture portfolio is outstanding. He’s a Presidential Scholar Candidate, USSYP semifinalist, numerous EC’s, 7 AP( our school has limited available) FBLA state Vice President, nationally awarded in architecture competitions. GPA 4.2 and ACT 33.


Was this invitation sent to all admitted students?

No, I joined that one last month. The one that Dandan Pan mentioned for class of ‘26 parents.

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Thematic Option is an amazing experience. Like a small honors program without the pressure. You get small, really interesting classes in required gen ed courses, with great professors. Do it if you can.


Congratulations! :medal_sports:

My daughter got the invitation too.

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I got accepted!

  • Dornsife - Intelligence & Cyber Operations
  • Michigan (but international due to citizenship)
  • 4.0UW/4.4W, 12 APs, 36 ACT, National Merit Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, AP Capstone… much more
    Activities: Model UN, Youth In Government, robotics, investment club…etc (mostly with state level awards)

DS admitted! 3rd kid admitted to USC!

Dornslife- Cognitive Science fall admit
1570 SAT, NMF
4.0 UW, 4.7 W
Also admitted UVA, UGA, FSU, Villanova, Lehigh, TX A&M, LSU; WL at WashU and Rice.


Everyone who applied by the December 1st deadline were eligible for Merit Scholarships. The early February acceptance were for Merit Finalists, I’ve read around 1100 were accepted and offered the scholarships. They were interviewed by 3 people, someone from admissions, someone from the school they were accepted too, and a current trustee student. In his case it was the assistant director of admissions, assistant director of the architecture program and a trustee student. From the stats I’ve read, there is around 100 Trustee awards, 250-300 President and not sure of the Deans.

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The only student group is the one run by a questionable third party organization (Humans of University) that has no affiliation with USC. They created the group on April 23, 2021 and have had a couple hundred non USC members since then.

Dandan has tried to steer people there previously. I asked her to provide a link to a page that is administrated by someone from USC but she declined to do so.

Edit: If you look at her other posts, they are all in college threads directing people to questionable FB pages.


Daughter accepted to Annenburg (public relations). This was a last-minute app and we are totally shocked to be honest.

North Carolina
Homeschooled (grades 9 & 10 all honors in private school, grades 11 & 12 APs and dual enrollment)
4.0 UW/4.66 W
33 ACT
2-sport Varsity athlete and team captain as a sophomore
National-level athlete in niche sport
Lots of leadership and 300 + service hours

A couple noteworthy things for future applicants:

  1. My daughter showed virtually no demonstrated interest. She didn’t look at USC until about 48 hours before the deadline and was enamored with the communications/pr program so applied.
  2. She literally was turning her app in during the final minutes before the deadline and The Common App crashed. Please don’t allow this to happen to you, but if it does don’t freak out! She sent an email immediately to her AO and USC later announced that they were extending the deadline because of the crash.

I tell ya’, this process sure has been a wild ride!!


Hey @vistajay Welcome back!!!

Congrats again, three’s a charm as they say!

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Did you hear from Thornton today or earlier? Tell me good news!

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Ahhhh. There are several of those kinds of groups for my other kids’ schools, too. They usually end up trying to sell something.

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