USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Thanks! We did select USC as the 1st choice in NMSC before March. Hopefully, we will hear from USC soon.

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Does anyone know how hard or easy it is to switch into Engineering?

There is an admitted students day on 4/10.

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Congrats! Huge accomplishment.

Fight On! :v:

Congratulations to all those admitted for this cycle. It is quite an accomplishment. Fight On! :v:

For those who were not so fortunate, please just remember that while USC is clearly a great option for college, it is also only one of many potential pathways to greatness. There are literally scores of elite colleges and universities out there, and many of them can serve as an equally valuable foundation for your eventual success.

I have made the following statement each cycle, as I believe it to be very true…

Unfortunately, rejection does come along in life. It’s what you do next that matters most. Steven Spielberg desperately wanted to attend USC SCA… so much so that he tried three times to gain admission. He was rejected all three times. And now there is a building bearing his name within the SCA complex. Bryan Singer tried and was rejected by USC and SCA. He tried a second time and got into USC but again not into SCA. He then succeeded as an internal transfer on his third try. Persistence can also pay off.

Many have faced rejection to their dream schools. In my day, for me… it was Harvard… but Harvard saw it differently. Harvard also rejected Dr. Harold Varmus twice. He simply went on to win a Nobel Prize in Medicine. Harvard also rejected Warren Buffet. They surely would like a do-over on that one.

Every year around this time, it is important to remember that rejections need not control our lives. And with the way that things have evolved… with the Common Application making it far too common for high school seniors to apply to 10+, 15+ or even 20+ schools, those rejections are bound to add up. My older daughter was rejected by 12 out of 17 in 2014. But these rejection letters are not true assessments of student aptitude or ability or the quality of an application. They are simply the natural evolution of a cruel #s game.

USC could clearly admit tens of thousands of quality applicants this year. They are instead stuck with the arduous, unwelcome and nearly impossible task of only picking 7500-8500 out of a field of 69K. They will even have to reluctantly disappoint 90% of all legacy applicants.

As Warren Buffet says in the article linked below: “The truth is that everything that has happened in my life…that I thought was a crushing defeat at the time, has turned out for the better. A temporary defeat is not a permanent one. In the end it can be an opportunity.”

If you did not get into USC, hopefully you will find your place at another great option. But clearly some will face disappointment. Some will not gain admission into their dream school. I wish it could be otherwise.

Here’s a link to an excellent article on the subject of those who went on to great success after facing such a similar set-back as aspirational high school seniors aiming for that dream school scenario…


Before They Were Titans, Moguls and Newsmakers, These People Were…Rejected

Some of the biggest names—Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Nobel laureate Harold Varmus—were once rejected by the school of their dreams.


My son was admitted into Vitterbi for computer science in Feb with the invitation to interview for the merit scholarship. If he didn’t hear anything yesterday, does that mean he didn’t receive a merit scholarship?

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D22 got accepted into Business. 3.96 UW/4.69 W with decent EC’s and Essays.

Where else are you considering for CS? I also got Viterbi CS but considering other UCs for better value.

This process is so unpredictable and uncertain.

Does anyone know if behavioral economics is a major or in what college you must apply into? Grateful DD got into dietrich for economics but not sure what program. Best of luck to all your students that they get choices and go to a great fit. Ylur kids accomplishments are so impressive that all top schools would benefit from them.

Daughter (International student) got accepted in Architecture

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Can the newly admitted students apply for housing yet? The portal says to watch for an email with information. Can’t find an email with housing sign-up yet.


Hi. I’m not sure, but here’s what we know at least in this community. Some merit letters seem to have gone out on Friday/yesterday (we learned of what seem like a couple of Trustee awards for Vitterbi here, congrats!) But basically a lot of folks are expecting more info on merit Mon-Wed of next week. From what @CADREAMIN and others say, it looks like much of the info just hasn’t gone out yet to students who, as in your case, were admitted or considered merit-eligible from any/all schools across campus. DD applied to Thornton, which doesn’t interview for merit (all applicants instead submit 2 min. videos responding aurally to prompts), so expectations are pretty opaque here. We’re figuring, until the FAST portal updates and stops saying “under review”, anything could still happen. Good luck!!


Trustee, Presidential and Deans scholarship notices definitely went out last night. Can’t say if did of course, but my DS spent a torturous hour last night refreshing his email after he saw on the chat group that some others had received emails. It was such a stressful experience. It looks like others are still waiting. Must be a different way to communicate these things. The admissions process is already so stressful.

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I read on this thread someone who interviewed for the scholarships received Deans yesterday. I was under the impression that interviews were for Trustee and Presidential ones only.

My D wasn’t selected for interviews but we were still hoping for Deans. Does anyone know if they would announce any more Deans next week?

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So stressful! I hope your DS feels better today. We could probably all stand to take a break and just celebrate some time with all our awesome kids, I think :slight_smile: Good grief, what a week!

International, accepted to Marshall BCA. 1550+, 10+ 5s, good ECs.
Rejected: Williams, Amherst, Pomona, JHU, MIT, Caltech, NU.
WL: Uchi, Rice, UCB


Has USC released this year’s freshman profile?

They usually do it the same day as decision day so it’s unusual they haven’t released it.

Thanks! The process has definitely been brutal for all and the WL thing has been a particular beast. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to any of it. So hard to explain to kids when it’s hard to understand myself. May the admissions cycle be over soon so we can get some much needed Emotional R&R :wine_glass:


Daughter accepted to School of Dramatic Arts, Theatre, B.A. and invited to apply to Thematic Option, too.

She was also accepted to LMU, SLO, SDSU, UCI, UCSD, UCSB and UCB (all :performing_arts:)

The outlier was UCLA TFT (that was rough especially after being interviewed).

Anyway, congratulations to everyone who applied to college this year. I thought this application process was challenging when my son went through it four years ago, but I am in awe of each and every one of you.

I truly believe our future is in your good hands and will leave you with something Femi Ogundele told all of his admitted students because you all deserve to be told this, too: “Even through a global pandemic, you have exhibited profound resilience and excellence. You and your loved ones have every reason to be proud of your success.”



Are you talking about 2022-2023? They don’t release it till much later, they need actual figures for scholarships, enrollment, etc. But this current freshman class has been out since fall.

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